Service Client Initial Meeting

Client: Whitefoord, Inc.

What They Want: Help launching the young professional program

More Info: program hosts 3 events annually

Social fundraiser – BBQ in August 2016

Volunteer day/service initiative – backpack drive & possibly a community event – July 2017

Panel discussion – March 2017



Social Media

Better management on FB

Interest Form linked to social media

Feedback form linked to social media


Print them!!!!

Visuals, 5 slides max, minimal text

Application & Welcome Email

Create a google form ???

Create an automated email response for filling it out

Survey Monkey survey for feedback

Survey for what would make people join?


Print Take Away

-Goody Bag?


-something creative, check pinterest


Leadership Society Young Professional Program Questions:

Specific jobs and qualifications –> anyone interested

Anything specific on the application since anyone can join?

Can be terminated if not good representation!

E-survey and e-application (combat spam) (search online)(tracking opens)

Facebook invites and reminders!

“Follow our facebook”!!!

Email form!!!!!!!


$150/$225 membership fee or per event



Welcome packet & App-> anything that must be on it

Mission and contact info

Add link to young professional program


50 memberships/ 1st year

100-150+ members/3 years


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