Michelle Fox and Dr. Tricia King collaborated on a recent manuscript evaluating the use of Reliable Digit Span with survivors of childhood brain tumors: Considerations for Reliable Digit Span as a performance validity test for long-term survivors of childhood brain tumors
Results suggest that typical RDS cutoffs might be too conservative for use with brain tumor survivors.
Well done and congratulations to the authors!
New JINS publication by Rella Kautiainen and Michelle Fox
Congratulations to graduate students Rella Kautiainen and Michelle Fox for their new publication, “The Neurological Predictor Scale Predicts Adaptive Functioning via Executive Dysfunction in Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumor.” Click the link above to check it out!
Hannah Bogoian publishes Master’s Thesis
Congratulations to Hannah Bogoian, a member of Dr. Vonetta Dotson’s lab at GSU, for publishing her Master’s Thesis today, entitled “Linking depressive symptom dimensions to cerebellar subregion volumes in later life.” Two members of the King Lab assisted with this project: Dr. King served on Hannah’s thesis committee and Eric Semmel assisted with MRI analysis. Click below to read the paper in full:
Tobi Quadri heading to Penn State for Research Assistant Position
We would like to congratulate one of our fantastic undergraduate students, Tobi Quadri, for recently accepting a position as a paid, full-time research assistant in the department of Psychology at Penn State University. She will be working in the lab of Dr. Pamela Cole on NIH funded research that involves studying age-related changes in self-regulation in children between the ages of 30 to 60 months. The study measures include physiological (ANS system), behavioral, and questionnaire data. This position will allow Tobi to assist in data reduction (scoring and coding) and analysis. We are proud of you, Tobi!
Dr. King awarded 2020 Outstanding Undergraduate Mentoring Award
Congrats to Dr. King for being awarded the 2020 Outstanding Undergraduate Mentoring Award by the GSU College of Arts and Sciences. This is a competitive award, requiring nominations by past mentees, and reflects Dr. King’s strong commitment to training the next generation of scientists! Congratulations on this well-deserved award, Dr. King!
Undergrad assistant, Neami Tedla, awarded fellowship
Congratulations to one of our fantastic undergraduate assistants, Neami Tedla, for being awarded a competitive fellowship: the Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD). This will support her work in our lab with additional professional development and presentation opportunities. See more about Neami in here profile here. You can also check out more about the fellowship at their site.
New paper out by lab alum, Dr. Alyssa Ailion
A new manuscript based on Dr. Ailion’s dissertation work was recently published and can be found here. Another great contribution to the field!
Congrats to our new graduates!
Two of our fantastic undergraduate lab assistants are graduating with distinction! See their lab profiles here.
Ewelina Bledniak, Psychology, nominated by Dr. Tricia King, research
Tobiloba Quadri, Neuroscience, nominated by Dr. Tricia King, research
Congratulations, Evie and Tobi! You both have been such valuable additions to the lab and we know that you will both go on to do great things.
Savitha Narayanaswamy selected for Brains & Behavior Summer Scholar program
Undergraduate lab assistant, Savitha Narayanaswamy, has been selected to receive the competitive Summer Scholar award from the GSU Brains & Behavior initiative! This program is designed to support undergraduate students in their research related to psychology and neuroscience. We’re excited to have Savitha continue working in our lab through the summer as part of this awesome program!
Check out more about the GSU Brains & Behavior program.
Michelle Fox successfully defends dissertation!
Congratulations to sixth-year student, Michelle Fox, for successfully defending her dissertation on April 23rd, entitled “Task-Positive and Default Mode Network Components and Their Relation to Attention and Working Memory in Adult Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumors.” Next, she heads to the Minneapolis VA to complete the final requirement for her Ph.D. Congratulations, Michelle, we’re very proud of your hard work!