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Students in our lab develop neuropsychological assessment skills, brain imaging analytic skills, and present research projects during their time in the program.

Many of my students have developed clinical neuropsychological evaluation skills and complementary research programs while contributing to these projects. See the video of our research team at the GSU/GA Tech Center for Advanced Brain Imaging, where we conduct our research.

Prospective Graduate Students:

GSU Undergraduate Students:

We are often looking for motivated and qualified undergraduate research assistants (RAs) to join the lab. Please complete an application to express your interest and a lab staff member will get back to you as soon as possible.

Undergraduate Students From Outside Institutions:

The DNP-ATL Lab has historically partnered with the Human Neuroscience at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) and Georgia State University summer program supported by the National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. If you are interested with working for us for the summer, please complete an REU application.

For more information please email us at

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