This article is about the understanding of the rhetoric in a digital space. The author Hocks, begins by explaining how much the teaching of writing has changed over the years. Hocks describes it by saying that now a day’s teachers… Continue Reading →
This article is about how content control features help stop people from having PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder and users of this tool get ridiculed. The author first talks about how criticizes say that content control features are for the weak… Continue Reading →
In the article ” His and Hers: Designing a Post-Gender Society” by Kathleen G. Scholl and Gowri Betrabet Gulwad said “We are living in a time of gender revolution. Traditional masculine and feminine roles are being challenged through advances in… Continue Reading →
In the article “Making Bathrooms more accommodating” Emily Bazelon talks about how transgender people are fighting for their rights to use the restrooms with the gender they identify with. But she also explains their difficulties they have to endure to… Continue Reading →
The article Tapestry of Space: Domestic Architecture and Underground Communities in Margaret Morton’s Photography of a Forgotten New York discusses how the art of studying urban areas came to be, how the city of New York have difficulties with the… Continue Reading →
According to Schindler, Architects with the help of legal scholars created architectures called built environments strictly to keep in a lower income citizens and predominantly black people from having access to places where the wealthy whites did not want them…. Continue Reading →
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