The goals for HB 305 is end cyberbullying and put some action into preventing it by allowing schools to intervene in bullying incidents off school property
The bill will help give support to victims of bullying where they had no support before.
There is a miscommunication among police officers, Facebook, and schools on how cyberbullying should be handled. Police say there is nothing they can do just report to Facebook if not threat. Facebook says block them. Schools say it happened off campus and out of their jurisdiction. Police don’t want to held responsible because they enough to deals with on the streets. Facebook say they can’t control users and stop people from creating profile. Schools are barely keeping up with bullying go on in school let alone of campus. Lawyers don’t want cases where persecuting 13 years old for being mean. No one really likes the solution but its offering an alternative either. It’s a problem and there is no solution to prevent it besides putting all the responsibility on the victim (Turner & Bluestein, n.d).
Unintended consequences would be that schools will be solely responsible for action many lawsuits will spring up against schools and possibly states. Granted the more parents are involved in the child’s life the less chance of abuse or being attacked(Jeynes, 2008).