In regards to the NASW Code of Ethics, the ethical strengths HB 305 hold is that it promotes social justice in helping individuals you are vulnerable, the victims of cyberbullying. It also shows strengths in dignity and worth of the person by addressing the needs of victims. HB 305 is ethical weak in service and importance of human relationships because it doesn’t directly fix or prevention the issue of cyberbullying.
Ethically without the proper training of not only workers and professional students but the students the results of implementing this bill might not be as effective as one would hope. Also cost might affect other school funding programs. Stacie Stewart believes that in fact by passing cyberbullying laws would be giving up personally freedom’s and rights in which schools can’t infringe on human rights (Stewart, 2013).
Applying ethics of policymaking it appears this bill and that fact that it didn’t pass. The reason Keisha Waites said is because cost proves that this is an example of liberty-equality trade-off. In this case legislators believed that there is a liberty trade off in this bill and that responsibility is being put on the goverment and it should be put on the parents of the students victimized and shouldn’t be managed by the government or schools (Stone, 2012).
I would like for the bill to be passed because although it is hard to get the situation under control and the responsibility is up in there air. An action needs to be taken because the issue is only going to get worse. Schools are with the children longer than parents most days and school is where the problem starts so that’s where I think it should be finished. Sadly, HB 305 didn’t leave committee again but I hope legislators will continue to fight for the bill to be passed to help children who are targeted.
HB 305 will not stop cyberbullying the issue is too complicated than that but I think with the team work of school, teachers, parents, and children it can be lessened greatly.
The bill was worded correctly but I would have liked that HB 429(the annual reporting by Keisha waites) was attached to it so proper training and education of teachers and students could occur.
It will enhance social justice by giving a voice to those targeted and supporting them.
This bill lines up with my personal values because I work with children almost every day and I see what bullying can do to them and suicide., depression, anxiety I wouldn’t t wish that on anybody and kids shouldn’t be taught that or feel the need to do that or suffer through it and it should be stopped.
In participating in this legislative process I learned that in policy making there are a lot of factors involved and it seems that self-interest comes before public interest and that is sad because people vote for people to be their voice not their enemy or dictator. Sometimes bills are passed that help but most times especially seen in this legislative session bad legislation was passed in my opinion.