In the image displayed, this wall in Little Five Points exemplifies the creative individuals that live and thrive in Little Five Points. Having a very artsy feel to the environment, Little Five Points is the perfect environment for hippies and those individuals who want to explore a more artsy side of life.
Built Environment
In this image of the Little Five Points sign, placed on Moreland Avenue, one could easily see the environment and feeling around the area. Little Five points gives off a “hippy” vibe while allowing people to explore deep into their creative arts side. It is definitely a good soft feeling without worry or any sense of life threatening danger (unlike some areas of Moreland Avenue).
Built Environment
In this image of East Atlanta, the Moreland Avenue street sign is placed behind the big welcoming sign of East Atlanta. This part of Moreland Avenue sets off a sketchy vibe at certain areas, while also giving a laid-back “chill” vibe in the others. It felt almost relaxing once you get to the nicer areas where the bars, restaurants, and shopping strips are.
Annotated Bib. 3
Morris, Mike. “Two Suspects Arrested after Allegedly Robbing Moreland Avenue…” Two Suspects Arrested after Allegedly Robbing Moreland Avenue… N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.
In this article, author Mike Morris was explaining a recent armed robbery that took place inside of the Kroger on Moreland Avenue. In the last sentence of the article it was recorded as “The incident was the second robbery at the store in recent weeks” inferring crime is not unusual on Moreland Avenue. While Moreland Avenue has its nicer areas like Little Five Points and East Atlanta, it also has the less fortunate areas as well. This article helps me as a writer because it shows me there are also high crime rates in the areas that aren’t as nice as the others. Because of the length of Moreland Avenue it allows me to elaborate on not only the nice areas of the strip, but also inform one, that if they go too far they could end up in an area not so nice.
Annotated Bib. 2
“Little Five Points.” In Atlanta, GA. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.
In this article, Little Five Points is glorified as being one of the top locations along Moreland Avenue. This is helpful for me or any visitors because it locates popular tourist areas along Moreland Avenue while giving multiple variations of entertainment and attractions for those new to Atlanta. Being one of the first areas you’ll encounter when going south on Moreland Avenue, you can view the unique culture and charismatic nature in Little Five Points. According to the article, it is well known for its street art, vintage shops and eateries. In addition, the article portrays how Moreland Avenue offers various locations suitable for any person regardless of what they are into; Little Five Points being for those more of the creative side. Although this is a specific location to such a broad topic, it allows me to highlight the multiple popular locations along Moreland Avenue that make it a well-known area of Atlanta.
Annotated Bib. 1
“East Atlanta Community Association.” East Atlanta Community Association. Towfiq I, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.
This article gives historical background information on the area of East Atlanta in a timeline format which is made easy for its reader. As a writer composing a blog on Moreland Avenue, this article is very beneficial to me because it allows me to study the history of the area and what makes it thrive and brings revenue to this specific area. This article also provides me with the demographics of the area which allows for more interpretation of the cultural background of the environment. Recently, (1981, as stated in the article) East Atlanta has become a “sense of a community in the neighborhood and work to improve the quality of life” around that area. Now populated with bars, restaurants, and popular music culture, East Atlanta is a convenient location off of Moreland Ave. that many people enjoy each and every day.
Any Specific Article?
Do we have to do the annotated bibliographies over a certain article or choices like the reading summaries? I just looked at the calendar and it doesn’t have any specifics.
Moreland Ave. Mixtape
In this photo of the Moreland Avenue exit sign off of I-20, it is shown on an album cover of an artists’ mixtape. This image displays city and the hip-hop culture intertwined as one to create a voice overheard with recognition to the area.
The Real Question
What do I do to Maximize points outside of the actual work?
Tapestry Of Space: Domestic Architecture and Underground Communities in Margaret Morton’s Photography of a Forgotten New York
Tapestry Of Space: Domestic Architecture and Underground Communities in Margaret Morton’s Photography of a Forgotten New York
In this article discussed by Irina Nersessova, homelessness and natural architectural structures are intertwined to become a safe haven for the homeless or less fortunate. Homelessness is a major problem in cities amongst the world, and without certain developments some people wouldn’t even have a place to call home. The major description of a homeless person’s home is the underground tunnel in New York City as the topic is discussed through older photographs. Many tourists of the city would assume the area an inconvenient area of wasted space but for those who live there, have more of a physiological connection than those who don’t. The areas of darkness seem terrifying and treacherous to the common eye of those whom aren’t homeless, but for the residents in the darkness, it is considered to be safe. Nersessova, upon recently interviewing a resident, quoted “The absolute darkness of the tunnel prevents danger from entering it, which explains how it is possible to have the highest feeling of safety in a place that is perceived as most dangerous.” The human mind tends to let fear overcome the curiosity of the brain and tends to render us from achieving our true potential. In this case, the darkness is a major fear we have that prevents us from entering a tunnel or dim lit area because of the fear of the unknown, and creates a safe haven for those who reside there.
The Fear of the Unknown
The biggest obstacle a human will ever face is his/her mind. The mind is a powerful thing and often we let our mind control our emotions instead of controlling our mind to become irrevocably unstoppable. This tunnel in New York could be fearful to those who do not understand or know what is in there and what could happen upon being in there, so for those who do it creates an area of shelter and safeness. One resident described living in the area as, “I feel safe in the tunnel because I don’t care how big you are—even if you have a gun or a weapon—if you don’t know where you’re going or if you never been in there—it has no light, no types of light” (Manny). By removing themselves from society aboveground, the residents of the tunnel are able to create a safe haven underground. As previously mentioned by Manny, the tunnel provides a sense of safety that revokes any fear of the darkness that lies ahead. Therefore, the residents of the tunnel would rather live in an area of seclusion that is feared by others than be exposed to the daily reality of society that lives above them.
According to the tunnel residents, life is less stressful underground because they’re able to create a place that doesn’t include life’s daily struggles such as traffic, confrontation, danger and much more. Also, they’re able to avoid the society that once failed them and utilize their time and energy more productively. For example, the residents express their sense of peace through artistic expression inside the tunnel by creating murals and graffiti. As mentioned by the author, Irina Nersessova, the presence of this artwork symbolizes humanity and the presence of a complete society.