
This interdisciplinary conversational podcast, Intersectionality in the south, will feature researchers, practitioners and activists who focus on the performing arts, art activism, and other modes of public intellectual engagement. This podcast will cover the three year initiative of Intersectionality in the American South, a Mellon Foundation-funded project featuring coverage of the symposia, lectures, and conferences hosted throughout initiative as well as in-depth discussions with lecturers, panelists, community activists and community organizations.
Podcast Director/Coordinator
Dr. Katie L. Acosta, Associate Professor of Sociology

Katie L. Acosta is an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Sociology at Georgia State University. She is the author of two books: Amigas y Amantes: Sexually Nonconforming Latinas Negotiate Family and most recently Queer Stepfamilies: The Path to Social and Legal Recognition. Queer Stepfamilies highlights the complex dynamics that influence lesbian, bisexual, queer and transgender parented families’ strength and resilience. In addition, her work appears in the Journal of Family Theory & Review, Family Relations, Sexualities, Journal of Homosexuality, Sexualities Research and Social Policy, and Gender & Society.
David B Junior, Podcast Graduate Assistant

David B Junior is working on Podcast Production for intersectionality in south at GSU.