Intersectionality in the American South

Funded through Support by the Mellon Foundation


About Intersectionality in the American South at Georgia State

Mellon Grant

Mellon Foundation LogoGeorgia State University’s Center for Studies on Africa and Its Diaspora (CSAD) received a grant from The Mellon Foundation in the Higher Learning category to establish the GSU Intersectional Studies Collective. This grant provides support for facilitating critical conversations among scholars whose research and teaching are anchored in intersectional methodology and theory that advance and promote more nuanced studies of the American South.

Though our focus is the U.S. South we acknowledge that before this geographical space emerged into its present name, it was part of the larger landmasses that following the arrival of Columbus, were designated the Americas. We, therefore, employ the more encompassing term, American South, to capture more fully the historical arc of pre-and post-1776 “southernness,” and the nation’s place in a larger trans-geographical American South.

We aim to build networks of academic-community collaborations, conversations, and information sharing that will bridge intersectional intellectualism with practical and relevant implementation. To achieve these aims, we are hosting symposia, workshops, guest lectures, roundtable discussions, and the creation of a podcast focusing on Intersectionality in the American South.

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