by | Feb 29, 2016 | 3D Atlanta, 3D modeling, Atlanta connections, digital humanities, How To, instructional videos, mapping
Last month has been exciting for me as I was exploring and learning new things like working on Photoshop and I also ended up making my first video tutorial. Glass Plate Negative Geotagging – Photo Stitching Project: Below is an image of the map with all the geotagged...
by Thomas Breideband | Mar 22, 2015 | instructional videos, SIF Projects, troubleshooting
Hi everyone, Don’t tell me it’s already Spring Break? Mamma mia, time does pass by quickly. Anyway, I want to share with you some stuff that I’m currently working on. This is mostly going to be interesting for those of you who have an interest in...
by Roxanne | Dec 7, 2014 | instructional videos, SIF Projects
Well it has been a great week here at the Exchange after a month hiatus in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Most of my week has been spent fine tuning the details of the Vacufuge safety video in Captivate 8. Yep! You heard right! We have switched from Captivate 7 to Captivate...
by Wasfi Momen | Nov 23, 2014 | instructional videos, pedagogy
Hello fellow SIFers, I know people have been wondering for a way to make videos more…fun? Yeah that’s the word. Because I don’t think many people want to sit through a video of someone talking about an event or idea. You also don’t want to make...
by Anand Shah | Nov 23, 2014 | digital humanities, instructional videos, pedagogy, SIF Projects
Well these last few weeks have been busy, to say the least. Apart from working in CURVE, I have been catching up on my group project. Babacar, Nathan, and Valerie have filmed and added a few more professors to the long list of videos and questions that we have....
by Dylan Ruediger | Nov 3, 2014 | instructional videos, pedagogy, SIF Projects
With a lot of help from Ameer, I am finally reaching the point where I can make videos more or less on my own. As I have been making them, I have been thinking about how educationally useful the experience of making the videos is. The countless decisions about what...