by | Nov 12, 2014 | etexts, SIF Projects
The history of the codex includes myriad and often convoluted ways of producing and distributing the book to readers. Current day production and distribution of eBooks is no different in its dizzying variety. To narrow things down, here I will present a snippet of...
by | Nov 5, 2014 | digital pedagogy, etexts
I recently read a 2014 article about eTextbooks; the focus of the narrative study, published in College Teaching and written by Jenny Bossaller and Jenna Kammer, both at the University of Missouri, centered on faculty experience with eTextbooks, particularly those...
by | Oct 23, 2014 | digital pedagogy, mapping, pedagogy
Timelines can be useful in teaching in a variety of ways. The most obvious is having students create a timeline on a particular topic that can be represented chronologically or progressively. The choices the student makes of what to include on the timeline and what...
by | Oct 2, 2014 | data visualization, mapping
Often we present statistical data not as exclusively the numbers themselves, but as a visualization of those numbers—as charts or graphs or tables or even pictures—giving the reader or viewer a better way to understand the meaning or impact of the information. The...
by | Sep 25, 2014 | instructional videos, pedagogy
Whenever I need to figure out how to do something, I tend first to look up a short instruction video on YouTube—say, fixing a vacuum cleaner or learning how to use a particular feature of a software. In three or four minutes, I’m moved through a video instruction...