Class notes 1/21–

new tab on Mrs. A blog called ‘Peer Review’
reading summaries due MONDAY 1/25
updated agenda (check out calendar)

‘Summary’ as a title for our reading summaries is simply to simple.

Titles are made to “ENGAGE and suggest topic/thesis”
In search of a title seek…
-the intended audience
-the purpose

“Architectural Regulation: Summary of Schindler’s Article”

“Before presenting information, cultivate it”– Mrs. A

Mrs. A gives us a list of places that we will be choosing for our built environment project

Mrs. A advised us to get a piece of paper out and fold it (hotdog style) and write ‘Objective’ on one side and ‘subjective’ on the other while she explained what the two were (see class notes 1/19)…

She sent us to leave the classroom and to go observe something


we went through some examples and this is what we concluded..
-we have trouble perceiving things when we have knowledge on it.
-naming things, can limit you..

this exercise helps us realize common mistakes and can hopefully prevent them.
we are practicing objective and subjective writing.

to see what’s due go on the calendar
if you have any technical issues… email Mrs. A or go to her office hours(Tues. 9:30-11:30)!

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