Detention center

I was interesting visiting the detention center and getting to see one of many places that held, and diminished people. Still trying to recover many aspects of “Club Athletico” they have ran into many issues that suppress their growth. With things like not having the money or workers to finish persevering this memorial. They spoke about how the main reason for continuing to work on this project was to conduct an archaeological, and documentary type testimony, and I believe this is to make it more personal to people that visit this. Is was also shocking to hear about many of the living conditions that people had to face. Overall a very eye opening place that is full of history. And seeing nunca mas engraved in the ground showed just how fed up many citizen are. 

One thought on “Detention center

  1. I think it was fascinating learning about how the community organized to make sure that Club Atletico was recognized as a memory site. Without their work, thousands of people would have never gotten their justice, and Club Atletico would have been seen as a simple highway. Being there definitely exposed their lack of resources in preserving these memories.

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