Independence day in Argentina

Politics are a central theme in Argentina, and there are unique qualities that I have never witnessed in another country. Rather than having a defined left and right, there are the Peronists (a Populist party) and those opposed to them. I have not done enough research to know what the truth is (it seems almost impossible to discern) but claims of corruption have plagued the Peronists since their founding. The current Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is currently appealing a six-year prison sentence in the Supreme Court. Whatever the fact of the case may be, she is clearly beloved by the people as seen in the photos of the Independence Day parade that was essentially a demonstration in her favor. Noam Lupu writes in his article The End of the Kirchner Era about the history of the Kirchners in politics and suggests that the voting public have similar values, and economic issues that are possibly beyond the grasp of any one political party are their main concern. Either way Argentina is celebrating 40 years of Democracy as their Human Right.

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