Madres y Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo

In “Children of the Dirty War:  Argentinas stolen orphans” F. Goldman tells how Maria Isabel Chorobik de Mariani went to some meetings of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo and then started the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo to join with other grandmothers who were looking for their missing grandchildren.  Maria thinks she has found her grandchild but it took years to get the children to consent to be tested.  So, after believing or at least hoping for many years, she is disappointed to find that she is not related.  False hope can be very devastating.  I was very happy to learn about the database where people born during the years of those disappeared and those who lost a grandchild can register with their dna.  Hopefully many, many more will be found.

One thought on “Madres y Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo

  1. One thing that I have noticed and really appreciated about the memory site is that many of the detention centers honor mothers and pregnant people who were taken. I believe the database must be critical for those who are trying to find their loved ones. This reminds me of the lightbulbs that were displayed at the D2 detention center.

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