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Built Environment Description: Mission Statement

The Cool Girl’s Mission Statement is one of the most important elements on the site. It’s the baseline for Cool Girls and all they do. Mission Statement: “Cool Girls’ community partners, mentors, and volunteer networks support girls in all aspects of their development – breaking the cycles of poverty, low self-esteem, and teen pregnancy. Our … Continue reading Built Environment Description: Mission Statement

Built Environment Description


Above is the most wonderful sound ever! I’m a huge fan of Coca Cola. So any picture, sound, motion, or anything related to Coke I’m going for it. I’m practically addicted to it which isn’t good. But anyways, it’s a sound of Coke being poured and the infamous “Ahhhhhh” after taking that first sip. Sounds great, right? 🙂

Built Environment Description


Above is a B intial keychain (which is for my name Brittany) and a bottle opener/keychain. I got it from the Coca Cola gift shop! After you leave Taste It (All the different flavors and kinds of coca cola room) it leads until the gift shop which leads out of World of Coca Cola. But the gift shop has soooo much to chose from it’s crazy the only bad this is it’s super high! But it’s worth it, right?

Annotated Bibliography 4

Torres, Kristina. “Georgia House Passes ‘campus Carry’ Bill Legalizing Guns At…” Georgia House Passes ‘campus Carry’ Bill Legalizing Guns At…Atlanta Journal Constitution, 22 Feb. 2016. Web. 22 Feb. 2016. Today, the state House legalized carrying concealed guns on college campuses in Georgia. The debate took about and hour and a half to come to an … Continue reading Annotated Bibliography 4

Built Environment Description: Holy Comforter Episcopal Church

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The first site that I visited while strolling through Ormewood Park was Holy Comforter Episcopal Church. It’s located between Woodland Ave and Ormewood Ave. The church was founded in 1893 in the heart of Atlanta. It’s a very diverse church! That’s one of the key components that they’re known for. DIVERSITY!  While taking pictures it was some sort of function going on and I saw many different ethnicities entering. Over half of the congregation suffers from mental illness therefore many different programs are held for them, numerous fellowships, and the church is also funded by Georgia Mental Health Consumers  Network.