An Internet search for “math help” yields millions of results. Most of these promised “help” sites will not provide real help for you. Below are some recommended and reliable websites/resources.
A positive Attitude Creates Altitude is a talk on how a good attitude in life can lead to higher levels of success and satisfaction.
How to study Math in an Online Class is a dialogue between a student and a professor on how to study math in an online class.
How to Study to Learn videos are 5-7 minutes in length, created by math faculty, and answer the question “How to Study to Learn?”
Purplemath was created as a labor of love by a real algebra teacher. It has clear, concise explanations, a good variety of completely-worked examples, and a thorough index that makes it easy to get to a particular topic.
Khan Academy grew out of the video tutoring sessions that Sal Khan created for a cousin who needed help with math. It is now a vast collection of short videos on specific topics. The explanations are generally clear, and for the most part, they conform to standard mathematical practices.
Coping with Math Anxiety site provides excellent strategies for overcoming this common obstacle in the algebra classroom.
How to get the most out of studying: A video series is a set of videos that help you how to study.
How to Achieve Success by having a Growth Mindset video covers how to achieve a growth mindset and is inspired by the work of Carol Dweck and Jo Boaler.
How to Manage Your Time Better video covers tips on how to mange your time better.
A Powerful Lesson on Time Management a golden lesson on how to manage your time.
Math in the news provides an up-to-date collection of recent mathematical news items.
GCalc is a free graphing calculator. You can use it to draw graphs online and then copy them into word processing documents.
Desmos is a free graphing calculator that can be used to graph functions very easily.