Going Up! – 02.24.16

I happened to be in the office a few days this week and was able to capture a few photos of these workers hanging on the side of the under-construction-dorm.  From their vantage on the scaffolding, they filled the gaps between each section of the building.  The work on this one face of the building took two days.  I am unsure if there were teams on the other faces of building at the same time or if these two completed the work on the whole building.

Below the scaffolding photos, I have included a photo of the dorm from the street.  You will see that most windows remain without glass.  Through the fall and winter, most of the work was progressed inside the building.







I train Georgia PreK teachers and dabble a bit in the art of blogging. Have an idea for a blog post? Email me at bestpractices@gsu.edu. On the web: www.bestpractices.gsu.edu Facebook: www.facebook.com/bestpracticespk Twitter: @bestpracticespk