Inman Park Neighborhood is a wealthy residential area located in Atlanta, Georgia. The homes are aesthetically pleasing, and the area is relatively more quiet than other surrounding areas around Atlanta, indicating that this is a well kept respectable place to live. Protection of these homes is evident through the utilization of exclusionary man made features.

These structures create a vivid distinction between the publicly frequented areas and their personal property. The photo above is an example of a home that is fenced in entirely leading directly up to the sidewalk. Fencing off their house in this fashion disables people from easily stepping onto their all aspects of their property including their landscaping. This form of exclusion is not intended to serve as a security system, rather than a form of communication to people passing by of where public property stops and their territory begins.

This photo shows a combination of exclusionary features, a cement wall and fence. Both of these features are collectively short and could be easily overstepped by any person, but the message of these features extends beyond security. These structures serve as a symbol of privacy.

Short cement structures are placed semi-frequently through out Inman Park Neighborhood, and they are not always placed in close proximity to a particular house. Despite not serving a particular home’s privacy, they maintain status quo of what areas are meant exclusively for residents. The cement walls create a buffer between the sidewalk and landscape and shape human behavior in terms of where it is acceptable to walk.

The sidewalks in Inman Park are commonly accompanied by a raised feature, and in this case the feature is stone. Using stone as means of defining space is more aesthetically pleasing than other exemplified forms such as a cement wall. Aesthetic value carries weight in this area especially because these elements of exclusion do not serve security purpose. Fences, walls, and stone, are used in part with other landscape features that all add up to equal the entire front appearance of their home.
Residential areas within a city can expect more foot and car traffic than that of less busy areas. Creating a sense of privacy is important when designing a home in order to set a clear expectation as to where visitors are welcome. Wealthy areas such as Inman Park implement exclusionary features that match the aesthetic qualities of their house.