Compare GSU learning spaces to the spaces discussed in this article. What do you think of GSU’s current learning environment?
T: The spaces in this article describe of places of low levels privacy and high levels of flexibility, versus GSU’s maximum privacy and nonexistent flexibility which put students at a disadvantage.
I: Flexible furniture and seating allows for students to easily rearrange elements of the classroom to facilitate conversation and creativity. Georgia State University’s classrooms consist exclusively of stacked desks and lecture halls, inhibiting group work and creative thinking.
II: Open warehouse like spaces enable students to come together for the “generation of wonderful ideas” (Lange paragraph 1). Georgia State’s extremely private classrooms inhibit students from open communication.
C: Innovative campus designs discussed in this article describe a learning environment that fosters a sense of innovation and creativity that better prepare students for the workplace. Georgia State’s campus follows a traditional campus plan that constricts students from open conversation and community building which lowers levels of creative thinking.