GSU visits After Malcolm Exhibit


This past Friday, February 12, 2016, the Multicultural Center at Georgia State University took a group of 35 students to the National Center for Civil and Human Rights. Prior to announcing the event to students they did not know that a current GSU professor of religious studies (Dr. Abbas Barzegar) and a current graduate student of religious studieIMG_3326s (Ameer Muhammad) had an exhibit on the 3rd floor of the Center. Once I saw signs around campus about the event I immediately went to the Multicultural Center to let them know about the exhibit. They were very excited and asked me to join the group to give a presentation of the exhibit.

On Friday, the students walked from the campus and broke into two groups for a two hour tour of the Center. I was able to give two presentations that went very well with the students and the tour guides. One of the tour guides told me that after hearing my presentation, she learned a new ways of talking about the exhibit to future visitors. Some of the students took down notes and watched even watched part of the 30 minute looping documentary. We also had a Student Innovation Fellow (SIF)  (Sydney Adams) taking pictures and filming.

The exhibit will be on display through the month of February. This is an excellent time to take family and friends. Thank You all for your support!IMG_3345 IMG_3344
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One thought on “GSU visits After Malcolm Exhibit

  1. Your view was incredible friend, because his article nice for us, thanks

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