Annotated Bibliography 1

Bentley, Mace L., J. Anthony Stallins, and Walker S. Ashley. “Synoptic Environments Favourable For Urban Convection In Atlanta, Georgia.” International Journal Of Climatology 32.8 (2012): 1287-1294. Environment Complete. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

This article focuses on the pollution and drastic temperature changes and how they correlate to the outcome of the climate. Stated in the beginning, the air from pollution encourages a “collision-coalescence process” which in turn affects the weather by intensifying precipitation rates. The article contains data from multiple cities where they compared and contrasted the rates of storms and how frequent lightning strikes would occur. Research showed that Atlanta has weak thunderstorms during the warm seasons when compared to other cities such as Houston, Texas and Phoenix, Arizona. When heat induced storms appeared, they were inclined to spread further out into the suburbs of the state. The scientists measured the magnitude of the storms by measuring the thermodynamic instability which is the amount of heat produced; the heat measured originates from the lightning that strikes during the storm. The more water present during the storm also increased the likelihood of lightning strikes per storm. In conclusion, they discovered that areas of high instability and elevated air decreased the strength and chance of thunderstorms occurring.

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