Annotated Bib 6 Sweet Auburn Market

Newman, Harvey K. “Race and the Tourist Bubble in Downtown Atlanta.” Urban Affairs Review 37, no. 3 (January 1, 2002): 301–21. doi:10.1177/10780870222185351. <>.
This scholarly work by a former Georgia State University student is about the history of different communities in the United States, and it puts an emphasis on race inequality. Newman goes into the history of how Atlanta was built and reshaped with time. He argues that the city was built to increase the number of tourists every year despite the hardships they may come to its own citizens. On page seven, he particularly mentions Auburn Avenue and Sweet Auburn, and I can use the background knowledge about the race inequalities in the 1960s to better understand the journey the Sweet Auburn Market has travelled. The past is a direct link to the present, so I can use this article in conjunction with the other two sources I have chosen in order to create a well put together vision of the community of the market. I may not be able to find any sources about the effects of race on the Sweet Auburn Market in particular; however, I may be able to find a document listing the history of vendors to see if there were any major differences after racism settled down.

“Sweet Auburn Curb Market Photos.” Yelp. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. .

“Sweet Auburn Curb Market Photos.” Yelp. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. <>.

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