
Geo-tagging Underground Atlanta

As part of our efforts to map historic Atlanta, SIF fellows have geo-tagged a GSU Library/Atlanta-Fulton Central Library collection of glass plate negative photographs from the 1920s. These beautiful images provide rare glimpses into the area around the Five Points...

SIF work highlighted at national conference

SIF work highlighted at national conference

  This March, historians from around the country will be gathering at Drew University to discuss the state of graduate education in the field. Like many disciplines, particularly (but by no means exclusively) in the humanities, history departments have been...

Supporting GSU’s Tradition of Innovation

Supporting GSU’s Tradition of Innovation

Georgia State University is developing a national reputation for innovation and excellence in undergraduate education - the U.S. News & World Report, for instance, recently named it the 14th best school in the country at educating undergrads, in company with some...

MS Project on the Hoccleve Archive

MS Project on the Hoccleve Archive

GSU’s investment in the Hoccleve Archive has resulted in its first graduate degree. Sruthi Vuppala, who has worked for the past two years as a Student Innovation Fellow assigned to the Hoccleve Archive, recently defended her MS Project, "Digitization of the Hoccleve...

Mapping GSU’s Growth

Mapping GSU’s Growth

They grow up so fast; this time honored phrase can certainly be applied to the growth at Georgia State University. From its humble beginnings as an evening business school to one of the most established property owners in Downtown Atlanta, Georgia State has certainly...

Climate Lab Weather Balloon

Climate Lab Weather Balloon

What's that up in the sky? Downtown Atlanta will soon have its first Weather balloon thanks to a joint effort of the SIF program and the Geosciences Department. The weather balloon will allow the over 1500 students each year who enroll in Geography 1112 (GSU's most...

SIF Fellow Speaks at TEDx

SIF Fellow Speaks at TEDx

This summer, SIF Fellow Thomas Breideband presented his work on how things grow in the complex ecosystem of social media at TEDx Vicenza in Italy. Over 5000 people watched the event on a live stream, and a half million people were reached by it on Twitter. Thomas'...

When Our Eyes are the Media

When Our Eyes are the Media SIF Fellow Ameer Muhammad recently took a trip to Turkey that completely changed his perspective about the country. His experience with Syrian refugees there is the subject of his new documentary film. Read more about his...