Online Learning

Going to school is a challenge, no matter what age.  But, with work and family, suddenly, it becomes a juggling act. Online learning has certainly helped contribute more to the life of the working student, but in some ways, it adds to the challenge because, in addition to going back to school, you are learning in a completely new environment. Here are some tips we think will help you make the most of your online learning experience.

  1. Stay Proactive.  Participate in the course. Contribute your ideas, and read about those of your peers. Your instructor is not the only source of information in your courses- you can gain great insight from your classmates, and they can learn from you as well.
  2. Have a good space for studying.  Make sure you have a private space where you can study. This means that you have a physical space to concentrate, leave papers everywhere and work in peace.
  3. Seek out Support. Before you start on your online journey, elicit the support of your colleagues, supervisor, family, and friends. Having such a network of support will help you tremendously since there will be times when you will have to work on your course for hours at a stretch in the evenings and on weekends.  It is helpful to surround yourself with people who understand and respect your goals and aspirations.
  4. Log on to your course every day.  If you let too many days go by without logging into the course, you will miss out on vital information or announcements.
  5. Be polite and respectful. Being polite and respectful is common sense and necessary for a dynamic and supportive online environment.
  6. Learn how to study. In online courses, you access various resources from different mediums: print, videos, audio, and the Internet. You are learning from the information provided on these mediums.  Your job is not just listening and watching. You have to take notes, highlight key points, summarize and prepare study guides for yourself.
  7. Take advantage of online office hours.  It is crucial to avoid feeling isolated in an online environment. Participating in virtual office hours will allow you to interact with your instructor and other students.
  8. Seek help. Ask for help when you have questions about course content material, cannot watch a video, are unable to access homework, or are not able to locate an assignment in the course. Your instructors are available by email, phone, or during virtual office hours.
  9. Start a study group. Study groups are effective because they help everyone on the team have deeper learning and higher grades. You can start a study group with some of your classmates.

Are you ready to take online classes? Take this quiz to find out.

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