Working on Title of Analysis

Color Showcases the Class Disparity of Atlanta

Atlantas Class Disparity Reflexed the Colors Embedded in the Streets

The Joys of Color are Only for the Rich

The Color threaded through Atlanta Reflect the Class Disparity

Do the Colors Embedded in Atlanta Reflex Class Disparity?

A City Divided By Color 

Outline: Built Environment Analysis

  • The vibrant colors embedded in the exterior built environment of Peachtree Street when juxtaposed to the dull and dilapidated colors of Auburn Street showcases the wealth and class disparity between both environments.
  • Auburn
    • color is gray, and different shades of brown
    • People create their own color with graffiti
    • Poorer neighborhood
    • More crime
    • inhabitants minorities


  • Peachtree Street
    • has brown and dull colors on certain buildings( law firms), but they are clean and crisp not like Auburn Street
    • Color can be seen on signs for restaurants, roads, signs. The city and owners create colors
    • Richer neighborhood
    • receives a lot of money from city
    • Less crime
    • Tourists and those who live there are not minorities


  • Both started out flourishing
    • Auburn- blacks
    • Peach tree street- white
    • Both had vibrant colors
  • Now Auburn isn’t thriving lost its color
  • Peach tree street still thriving has color
  1. intro
  2. map of peach tree and auburn
  3. description of history( talk about color)
  4. talk about how auburn went down but peach tree street stayed the same and in some ways got better
  5. different colors in each of those places and what they look like now
  6. why those colors are the way they are
  7. and how that represents the minorities and wealth gap

In Class Free Writing: March 28

Im focused on the effect of color in the built environment. In the interior, exterior, and digital environment. The main things that I plan on focusing on are the effects on mood, perception, and reactions that has the individual. All of things can affect a person tremodusly for instance if they walk  into a colorful room vs a room of all black, or white that would greatly change their mood , perception, and reactions.

I also want to focus on why builders and interior designers pick the colors that they do when constructing the built environment. They do this for the needs of the customer who’s mood is effected as well as the perceptions of the space , and their reactions to the space.

I will mainly use information that I have gathered from annotated bibliographies to explain my information. I will also use different class readings to help me explain the concept of the effects of color. And add in information that I have learned from the exterior, interior, and digital built environment descriptions that I have done.

Color has been an instrumental part of every thing that I have done in this class so it won’t be hard for me to find this information and relay into what I plan on doing.

This project for me will be a fairly simple one that can possibly help me in the future with different school assignments. But also just in my everyday life when I view color in an built environment.

I am also thinking about focusing on the effects of lighting in a built environment. I didn’t only focus on color I did many annotated biographies on light and this ties hand in hand with color. The only draw back with like is that it only really matters in the interior built environment were natural light or darkness isn’t as prevalent. So this may be the only thing that sops me from using this. If I have enough information to make a sizable case with just color alone i will just focus on color alone. But if I need to add in light I will.

All in all, this will be a simple task for me to complete because of al the information that I have gathered on the subject.