The Alcohol and Interpersonal Violence Research Lab strives to prevent interpersonal violence and eliminate the negative consequences of alcohol use and aggression. We work to increase the accessibility of interventions to reach individuals who otherwise may not receive the help and support they need. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to eliminate interpersonal violence and the negative consequences of alcohol use and aggression. We recognize that many individuals struggling with heavy drinking or the effects of interpersonal violence do not receive the help and support they need. Therefore, we are focused on developing evidence-based interventions that are more accessible and easier to disseminate in order to reach these unreached individuals.

We are committed to training the next generation of clinical scientists by providing trainees at all levels of experience a strong foundation in research methods, specific content knowledge in the area of alcohol and interpersonal violence, and career development opportunities.

Our Values

The Alcohol and Interpersonal Violence Research lab supports the Black Lives Matter movement and recognizes the systemic racism, oppression, and injustice faced by the Black community. As a lab, we take active steps to be anti-racist including holding monthly discussion groups and working to actively challenge structures that maintain oppression.

We value all forms of diversity. We prioritize kindness and integrity to create a welcome and safe space for every individual. We also celebrate each other’s accomplishments just as we do our failures in order to maintain a noncompetitive environment.