Campanella, Richard. “Shotgun Geography: The History behind the Famous New Orleans Elongated House.”, February 12, 2014.
The article “Shotgun Geography: The History Behind the Famous New Orleans Elongated House” appeared in the New Orleans-based newspaper The Times-Picayune on Febuarary 12, 2014. The article was posted in the Cityscapes column that accounts the evolution and history of News Orleans urban planning and architecture, written by Richard Campanella, a geographer and author who works at the Tulane School of Architecture. As the name implies, the article accounts the history and theory beyond the popularization of shotgun houses in New Orleans, and the South in general. Campanella mainly focuses on a theory that speculates that shotgun houses came from Haiti with escapee slaves recently removed from Africa who then built houses akin to ones that they, or their ancestors, lived in back in Africa. The citizens of New Orleans progressively began to adopt the style as well because of city policies that made land compact and taxes based on frontage and not square footage.
I found this source because when I read “Parting Ways” by James Deetz, I saw that he regarded the shotgun house as an African phenomenon, but I knew them from the South and especially New Orleans, where my sister lives. I searched for information on the topic and found an article that explains exactly what I had wanted to know about how an African architectural style became a Southern staple. Further, the author being a professor of architecture and a published author of several books about the field made Campanella a reliable source, to me.