Editorial Board Member

Membership (Selected)*:

1. TiE Global International Entrepreneurship: https://tie.org/

2. Georgia State Biology Graduate Student Association (GSU-BGSA): http://sites.gsu.edu/bgsa/about/#.X6GBM1NKj7E

3. Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC)-Georgia Tech University: https://atdc.org/

4. Western Kentucky University Biograd Association

5. Western Kentucky University Student Government Association (WKU SGA): https://www.wku.edu/sga/

6. Western Kentucky University Graduate Council: https://www.wku.edu/graduatecouncil/

7. Biophysical Society: https://www.biophysics.org/

8. American Chemical Society: https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en.html

9. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp

10. Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society: https://www.sigmaxi.org/home

11. HackerSpace-Free Side Atlanta: https://www.freesideatlanta.org/

12. Kentucky Academy of Science: https://kyscience.org/

13. Academic Society for Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds (ASFFBC): https://www.functionalfoodscenter.net/

14. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR): https://www.aacr.org/

Editorial Board Member and Reviewer (Selected)*:

1. PeerJ: The Journal of Life and Environmental Sciences

2. Journal of Geology and Mining Research

3. African Journal of Agricultural Research

4. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Research

5. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

6. International Journal of Case Reports and Therapeutic Studies

7. Journal of Bacteriology Research

8. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies

9. AS Medical Sciences

10. International Journal of Science and Technology Education Research

11. MDPI: Microorganisms, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, pathogens, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Cancers, Chemistry, Toxins, Cells, Antibiotics, Diagnostics, Advances in Engineering, Processes, Molecules, Genes, Coatings, Computation 

12. Journal of Advances in Biology

13. Current Genomics

14. Educational Research and Review

15. Current Cancer Therapy Reviews

16. Immunology Research and Therapy Journal

17. The Open Biotechnology Journal

18.International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery

19. Journal of Oral Health and Craniofacial Science

20. Computer Science and Programming

21. Epidemiology International Journal (EIJ)

22. Journal of Entomology and Nematology

23. ES Journal of Oncology

24. Dove Medical Press: Clinical Epidemiology

25. Marine Biology and Environmental Science

26. Asian Science Bulletin

27. Journal of Systematic Bioscience and Engineering (SBE)

28. Journal of Nanotechnology and Nano Science Research

29. Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (NHIB)

30. Elsevier: Gene Reports, Materials Today Communications, Infection, Genetics and Evolution

31. Future Science OA