Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category

Online Profile Reflection

This is my first time doing a professional profile and I find it to be very useful. My goal in the future is to use this profile in my professional career, since we can only put so little into the profile. I later want to showcase some of academic work, and to use it as a blog for lawyers, where they can get legal advice.

Mid-term Reflection

During our mid-term conference I was concerned with my performance in the class. I felt like the past couple of weeks I haven’t been doing as well as I wanted to. I half expected you to tell me that I was doing poorly (but that was me jumping to conclusions), but I’m happy that you reassured me that there is still time for me to catch up. Overall, I left our conference feeling hopeful for this semester, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the semester.

Notes on reading annotations

Some of the take away points from RA2 were:

  1. situated practice in writing is learned, and uses patterns that we can recognize to accommodate our needs
  2. Discourse in writing is useful because it allows understanding from the audience
  3. Capitalism has played a role in tech writing

Some take away point from RA1:

  1. form is important when teaching tech writing
  2. user needs, have to be taken into consideration
  3. businesses should start focusing on the audience if it wants more traffic

Pedogogy main points:

  1. situated practices are shaped by cultures and in return shapes cultures
  2. Literature is autonomous
  3. Comparative rhetoric, thinking about we use language, produce meaning

Content Management main points:

  1. tech communication is about interdisciplnary ways of collaboration
  2. Focusing on audience need, and having CMS reflect user needs
  3. Finding new ways to make tech writing more adaptable to our needs, as technology advances

Notes on other articles:

thinking about strategies of tech communication: interdisciplinary collaboration, rhetoric,

Genres, how to communicate to fit needs of audience, its a rhetorical construct

audiences change overtime


Site Visit-Our House

On Tuesday, my group and I set out to visit the Our House homeless shelter for kids and families. At first I was very anxious and nervous, because I didn’t know what to expect, nor how I was going to react. This mainly due to the fact that  I did not know what our service learning project was going to be about. But after meeting and talking with Sabine Augustin, the program service coordinator, I began to feel a little at ease. First, Sabine gave us a tour of the shelter, where we got to see the day care and meet some of the other coordinators, and see some of the rooms, that the families stayed in. It was nice to know that even though the families were to stay at the shelter for a short time (usually 6 months), the volunteers and coordinators made the shelter feel like a home where the families could always return to. We also got to see some of the renovations that they were working in some of the bathrooms and rooms. After the tour, we got to sit down with Sabine and discuss the vision of the project. We had a really insightful discussion about the different programs that they wanted to start, such as Trauma Informed Care, where volunteers are trained properly on how to handle victims of trauma. Sabine also talked about how the shelter is working on transition programs, and that even if the family leaves their child can still be enrolled in the daycare. Our main focus of the project is best practices for safety. This includes how to keep the buildings up to fire code regulations, child proofing certain areas, and figuring out ways to make the environment safe for trauma victims. Overall, I’m excited to continue with this organization for this project.



Technical Writing Take Home Quiz Answers

What are the major projects? In a bulleted list, provide links to the project descriptions for each of them.

Individual Reading Annotations (6, 300-600 points)
Individual Pitch Presentation (1, 125-250 points)
Collaborative Final Service Learning Client Packet (300-600 points)
Individual Online Professional Profile (1, 125-250 points)

How will your final grade be calculated?

We receive points for everything that we turn in and by coming to class, and we lose points by not showing up to class and not turning in projects on time.

What is the “submission form” and how do you use it? Embed the form below your answer (hint: Google “embed Google form” to find out how).

The submission form is where we will be turning in all of our work. 

Embed the course calendar and weekly overview below this question.

Where on the course website can you find an overview of what’s due and the readings for each unit?

The units overview

What is the best way to see an overview of what’s due each week?

The weekly overview

What is the attendance policy?

You earn points for coming to class and lose points for unexcused absences.

What are the two ways you can lose points?

Not coming to class or failing to turn in assignments

What are my office hours, and how do you make an appointment to see me outside of  class?

T/TR 9-11am or by appointment

How do you earn participation credit? Provide a link to the instructions/guidelines for participation.

During the course of the semester I invite you to engage with the course material and assignments, with your peers and with your instructor, consistently and in inventive ways. I will assign points to your work reflecting the level of your participation both inside and outside of class. I will also subtract points for failing to participate (e.g., missing class) so as to fairly reflect your level of engagement with the course concepts. Your goal is to accrue as many points as possible during the semester.

How many points can you earn by participating in or organizing a study group session?

You can earn 20-50 points for participating in or organizing a study group session and writing up a reflection about what you did.

How can you be assured of earning an “A” in this course?

Once you complete all of the major projects, miss no more than four class meetings, and accrue 2,180 points, you will automatically receive an A in the course.

What are the minimum requirements for earning a passing grade of “C”?

If you complete all of the major projects, come to class prepared, and miss only four class meetings, you will earn at least 1,330 points and a grade of “C.”

What do you do if you’re not sure how to document your participation in order to earn points?

Stop by office hours or ask questions in class

What are the Unit 1 readings and what online tool are you using to annotate them for Reading Annotations 1&2?


  • Wickman, C. (2014). Wicked Problems in Technical Communication. Journal Of Technical Writing & Communication, 44(1), 23-42.
  • The New London Group (1996). A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Designing Social Futures. Harvard Educational Review, 66(1) (PDF).
  • Schryer, Catherine F. (1993). Records as Genre. Written Communication 10(2), 200-34.
  • Albers, Michael J. (2005). The Future of Technical Communication. Technical Communication 52(3).
  • Pullman, George and Baotong Gu (2007). “Guest Editors’ Introduction: Rationalizing and Rhetoricizing Content Management.” Technical Communication Quarterly 17.1, 1-9.
  • Sullivan, Patricia (1989). Beyond a Narrow Conception of Usability Testing. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 32(4).
We are using ( annotated the readings and complete the Reading Annotations.