Notes on reading annotations
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Some of the take away points from RA2 were:
- situated practice in writing is learned, and uses patterns that we can recognize to accommodate our needs
- Discourse in writing is useful because it allows understanding from the audience
- Capitalism has played a role in tech writing
Some take away point from RA1:
- form is important when teaching tech writing
- user needs, have to be taken into consideration
- businesses should start focusing on the audience if it wants more traffic
Pedogogy main points:
- situated practices are shaped by cultures and in return shapes cultures
- Literature is autonomous
- Comparative rhetoric, thinking about we use language, produce meaning
Content Management main points:
- tech communication is about interdisciplnary ways of collaboration
- Focusing on audience need, and having CMS reflect user needs
- Finding new ways to make tech writing more adaptable to our needs, as technology advances
Notes on other articles:
thinking about strategies of tech communication: interdisciplinary collaboration, rhetoric,
Genres, how to communicate to fit needs of audience, its a rhetorical construct
audiences change overtime