Annotated Bibliography #6


“City Cafe: History of Little Five Points.” Atlanta’s NPR Station. Little Five Points: 90.1 FM WABE. Accessed February 26, 2016.

This radio broadcast illustrates the fruitful history of Little Five Points; it is not just a “hippie” burrow of Atlanta, but a site with rich background that has shaped the built environment of the city. The author of a recent book about the area, “The Highs and Lows of Little Five: A History of Little Five Points”, spoke during the broadcast. Author, Robert Hartle Jr., spoke to the NPR host in the center of Little Five Points. He explains the evolution of the area, in that it thrived during the Great Depression, but began to sink during the 1950’s when schools integrated. Listeners can hear as Hartle points out landmarks, like the Corner Tavern, and elaborates on their history. The tavern was not just a place to drink and mingle, but also a meeting place where the community gathered and held discussions. The area is so much more than it looks, he explains, and has vast history for such a small burrow of the city. This broadcast provides an aural source for people to learn more about Little Five Points. There may be some bias because the author has written a book about the area, so he is clearly passionate about it. Hartle only mentions the upside to Little Five Points. Generally, this source fits in well with my other sources and provided me with new facts about the site.

Annotated Bibliography #5


Nessy, Messy. “Documenting the Disappearing Record Stores of Paris.” Blog. MESSYNESSY Chic, August 14, 2015.

The author of this article, who goes by the penname Messy Nessy, writes about the history and unfortunate disappearance of record shops in Paris, France. The record store is a dying breed in today’s world. The streets of Paris used to be filled with these shops that held decades of musical history within their walls. Nessy writes of the slow drop off of some of Paris’ most well known record dealers. Thomas Henry’s website, Disquaries de Paris, documents the disappearance of these shops in an interesting way. This is the website from which Nessy gets most of her information. What sparks the reader’s attention is the way Nessy displays a side-by-side comparison of photos of the old record shop storefronts and what replaces the shops in modern day Paris. I chose this source because it is specific in mentioning how sparse record stores have become and pays tribute to the rich history they provided. I would not necessarily say this source has bias, Nessy is definitely appreciative of music, but that is not cause for bias. As said in my fourth annotation, Criminal Records is the last record shop in Atlanta. This blog post supports that in explaining how these shops have fallen off the grid in the past decades. This post provides great insight into the record industry and incorporates some great photography as well.

Annotated Bibliography #4


Shepard, Andrew. “Criminal Records | Little Five Points.” Little Five Points, May 25, 2010.

This article, written by Andrew Shepard, informs readers about the ins and outs of Criminal Records: the ambiance, the types of products sold, and the uniqueness of the shop. Criminal Records is the only record shop remaining in Atlanta, which contributes to the built environment of the city quite a bit. Because this shop is one of a kind it has formed its own community and provides customers with something no other shop within the city can. The article was posted on the Little Five Points, the burrow of Atlanta where Criminal Records is located, website. Because of this, there is some bias to what Shepard writes. He only mentions the positives of Criminal Records, how friendly the staff is, the reasonable prices, and the extensive collection of albums, comics, and other knick-knacks. Overall, this source provides useful information about Criminal Records and gives readers insight on what to expect when visiting the shop.

Reading Summary #4: “His and Hers: Designing for a Post-Gender Society”

women in suit

It has become apparent in recent years that the time upon us is one of gender transformation. Male and female roles are constantly being challenged, both culturally and scientifically. One of the groups who influences these changes are designers, which are who Suzanne Tick focuses on in her article: “His and Hers: Designing for a Post-Modern Society”. Designers are always up to date on the latest trends; it is their job after all. Instead of turning their heads to look the other way, some are helping to promote these changes (Tick, lines 4-6).

The fashion and design industry are predominantly shaped and run by men, however, as Tick puts it, “…recent events are pointing to a new wave of feminism” (line 13). A recent speech made by actress Emma Watson encouraged men to join to effort to promote gender equality. One of the places where these barriers are being shed is the workplace. With the whole globe attempting to be more “green” the designs in the workplace have swayed more towards a feminine taste in design. Tick gives examples such as more daylight, windows, softness in interiors, and an open floor plan (lines 20-22). It is changes such as these that are sparking designer’s attention to turn to their own work and make a change that caters to society.

Tick links the rapidly changes fashion industry to the confusion of gender roles in today’s world. She states that, “…androgyny has become commonplace,” androgyny meaning both masculine and feminine (Tick, line 29). With these changes occurring rapidly, designers have began to offer an alternative for those in the LGBT community. For example, masculine style has become more prominent in some lines of women’s clothing, like Alexander Wang. Some brands of makeup, such as Annemiek van der Beek, have designed makeup that is more desirable to the male customer. Designers cannot fail to embrace these changes when colleges and schools all over the nation are catering to them (Tick, lines 33-34).

Tick uses CEO of United Therapeutics, Martine Rothblatt, as a source of some great insight on the gender role changes. Rothblatt was originally born male; she transitioned in 1995. She defied social norms and became the highest paid female executive in the United States. Tick includes a quote in her article that really fit in with her message, “There are five billion people in the world and five billion unique sexual identities” (Rothblatt, The Apartheid of Sex). Tick goes on to write that some corporations have adopted these changes and have co-ed bathrooms to make all employees feel comfortable (lines 40-42). Creating reliable spaces where anybody can go to operate are an important step in the new movement going on around us.

In the world of fashion and design, vast changes are being made and it is a big step for our world today. In an industry that never stops developing to the latest trends, it is nice to see it evolving in a way that makes people from all walks of life feel welcome. Hopefully the action that has been made in the fashion world will trickle down to the rest of society and open people’s minds, and our culture will become one in which everyone can have their own individuality (Tick, lines 57-58).

Work Cited

Tick, Suzanne. “His & Hers: Designing for a Post-Gender Society – Metropolis Magazine – March 2015.” Metropolis. Accessed February 23, 2016.


Reading Summary #3: “Making Bathrooms More ‘Accommodating'”



Emily Bazelon’s article, “Making Bathrooms More Accommodating”, points out the hypocrisy of accommodating certain people while refusing to do so for others when it comes to public restrooms. Are “public” restrooms really public if certain people are not allowed in? Bazelon focuses in on the transgender population and how it is seen as a social norm violation to enter a bathroom based on the gender they identify with, not what they were born as.

The article starts off by introducing the audience to the fact that bathroom signage is a sexual divider that we see everyday. These signs let us know which door is appropriate to enter. Bazelon thinks that it is absurd for a woman to wait in line when the men’s room next door is empty. Since the early 19th century, men and women have had separate bathroom facilities. This has been a social norm for so long that in today’s world it seems taboo to have unisex restrooms. One concern that the public has, which Bazelon touches on briefly, is sexual assault. Voters in Houston, Texas recently rejected an equal rights ordinance. The ordinance addressed preventing discrimination in housing, employment, and public spaces, but the opposing side focused specifically in on bathrooms. Bazelon writes, “They created ‘‘No Men in Women’s Bathrooms’’ T-shirts and a TV ad with sinister images of a man threatening a girl in the stalls, successfully playing on voters’ fears” (Bazelon, lines 19-20). The issue of equality in public restrooms only gets messier when it comes to the transgender population.

Bazelon’s article touches on several different issues dealing with the accommodation of public restrooms but her main focus is the right transgender people should have to enter the bathroom they feel most comfortable in. First off, the word accommodate means to be mindful of the needs of others and adjust to them. Or in harsher terms, accommodation can sometimes feel like stepping aside to make room for others, whether you like it or not (Bazelon, lines 47-48). People have trouble accommodating to a certain group’s needs, especially when they see it as outside of social norms. Bazelon elaborates by using several transgender rights issues that have come up in the school system. A transgender student at a high school in Illinois requested access to the women’s locker room; she is undergoing hormone treatment and has an ID that states she is female. The school rejected her request due to privacy issues and suggested she use a separate room down the hall. After the student’s family filed a civil rights complaint, the United States Department of Education stepped in and she was granted permission to use the women’s locker room with her female classmates (Bazelon, lines 28-40). Much like this girl’s want to fit in and share facilities with the gender to which she associates herself, women all over the world have become fond of “the ladies room”.

Women, and men alike, treat the bathroom as a sort of safe haven. Where they can go to chat and get away from the outside world. Just like everyone else, transgender men and women want to be a part of these social habits. Accommodate is a good word to use when it comes to public facilities, but it only covers the basics. For those with disabilities it means a bar next to the toilet, a button to open the door, or brail on the restroom sign (Bazelon, lines 119-121). But, when it comes to those that are transgender, the word “accommodate” just does not cover it. The changes needed to make transgender individuals feel comfortable and accepted are going to have to first start with a change in society’s mindset and heart. Overall, Bazelon presents thoughtful information that sparks the thought in reader’s minds that public restrooms really do not accommodate everyone, which is a concept overlooked by most, and it needs to change.

Work Cited


Bazelon, Emily. “Making Bathrooms More ‘Accommodating’ – The New York Times.” The New York Times Magazine, November 17, 2015.


Exterior Built Environment Description: Virginia Highlands

The Virginia-Highlands is a neighborhood within the city of Atlanta; it is located in between Druid Hills and Midtown, north of Little Five Points. The lovely neighborhood has record of settlement dated back to the early 1800’s. Virginia-Highlands has a mixture of urban shops, trendy restaurants, and suburban bungalows. As I strolled around Virginia-Highlands, I realized there is a lot more than meets the eye. To a passerby the space just appears as a nicer part of Atlanta with some shops and places to eat. However, I discovered so much more as I began listening, watching, and feeling the area that surrounded me.


Cheerful pastel colors like orange, green, and blue covered the storefronts and made me feel welcome and eager to explore. The space is very easy to move around in, free of crowds and obstacles. Many of the restaurants have outdoor patios, balconies, and some even have entire walls open to the outdoors. The signage is very useful and clear. I noticed markers above many of the street signs; they read ‘Historic Atkins Park’. Atkins Park is a large area within Virginia-Highlands that came about in the early 1900’s. These act as boundaries for the area and let people know when they have entered or left Virginia Highlands. I found these very helpful as I meandered around. From time to time I would look up and notice the signs were not present anymore, which was my queue to turn around. The majority of the neighborhood is laid out in such a way that the homes are on one side of the street while the attractions are on the other. This keeps the homes separate from any noise that nightlife may produce, giving those streets more of a suburban atmosphere.


As I continued my exploration around the area I began to notice all the different sounds that met my ears. Pleasant music crept out of open shop windows, fallen leaves rustling across the concrete, and cars slowly passing by. The speed limit within the area is fairly slow, so this eliminates most sounds of vehicles zooming by. I stopped by a coffee shop called Henry and Jane where I heard the familiar sounds of an espresso machine and the clanking of the milk steamer. I wandered across the two-lane street to shady New Highland Park, which is one of several parks in the area. I noticed that the Highlands is quieter than most other parts of Atlanta. The sounds did not make me feel anxious or flustered like many other urban areas; I felt content and peaceful as I strolled around.


Overall, Virginia-Highlands is pleasant and has a perfect combination of suburban and city living. I do not think this site necessarily targets a specific user; I saw an array of people as I explored. However, based on the layout and price point of the homes and shops, I would say the area is family oriented and mainly caters to the middle-class or higher. This site made me feel welcome and I would not hesitate to return!

Exterior: Virginia Highlands Digital Record #6


New Highland Park is right across the street from the strip of shops seen in my video post. I really liked the open layout of the park. Even though there is infrastructure all around the area, the park allows an escape from all that. There are trees, benches, and a field for pets to run around. This space provides Virginia Highlands with a great balance of nature and city-living.

Exterior: Virginia Highlands Digital Record #5

Virginia Highlands Video

I took this video while crossing a small side street onto the main sidewalk where all the shops and restaurants are. A large, bright Coca-Cola mural on the side of the building really draws attention. The restaurant I approach as I cross the street has a wall that is completely open to the outside. The space flows very nicely; it is open and easily accessible. The texture of the buildings changes from wood, to chiseled stone, to painted cement as the wall goes from belonging to the restaurant to the salon next door.

Exterior: Virginia Highlands Digital Record #4

I took this sound recording as I was standing on the sidewalk in front of one of the main areas in Virginia Highlands. If you listen closely you can hear a door squeaking open, leaves rustling in the wind, and a car’s engine as it drives past. I found it interesting that the area was quiet enough that all these things could be heard so easily. Compared to other areas of the city, where sometimes music and voices overpower the sounds of everyday life, the space was peaceful and quiet.

Exterior: Virginia Highlands Digital Record #3


I noticed repetitive signage all over Virginia Highlands. Above a lot of the road signs it reads ‘Historical Atkins Park’. It turns out, Atkins Park is an area within Virginia Highlands. The labeling of these signs creates borders within the neighborhood. I noticed as I began walking further from the area of shops and homes, the road signs were no longer labeled like this, which told me I had travelled outside the Virginia Highlands area.