This image is a snap shot of a celebration called Caribbean Fest. A few times out the year, everyone gets together and celebrate Caribbean cultures. This is not an event that you would have to be Caribbean to attend. It is literally for everyone, all ages and races. Although it isn’t required, people dress up in their country’s colors, when attending the festival. Some even spend thousands on their costumes. There is also a lot of ethnocentrism. Every culture feels that they are the best. Usually those with the higher ethnocentrism tend to spend more on their costumes. The event has music and food from the Caribbean cultures. They would play reggae, soca, calypso,and many more. A few dishes that would be served at the festival is ox tail with rice and peas and plantain, fried fish, curry goat with white rice, and crab callaloo. These collectivistic cultures come together and enjoys each others company. These customs have been going on since 1971 and are going to continue for many years to come.