All cultures have different kinds of music played at weddings and parties, but as a Desi (person from South Asia), I feel as if Punjabi music and dancing is a part of everyone’s lives whether they are Punjabi or not. Punjab was originally a state in the middle of India before the Partition. After the Partition, the Punjabi people in Punjab that were Muslim, crossed over the border and went over to Pakistan, while the Punjabi people in Punjab that were Sikhs, crossed over into India. This is why there are Punjabi Muslims as well as Punjabi Sikhs, and also why there is a state called Punjab in the country of Pakistan, as well as the country of India (it was split down the middle). The Punjabis in India that came over to Pakistan after the Partition carried over their culture and traditions and made it one of the biggest cultures celebrated in Pakistan. Punjabi music and dancing are a big part of every wedding and party and are always incorporated in; someway or the other. People take time before hand to rehearse and be able to perform. Even Bollywood movies create songs with Punjabi verses in them because historically, Punjabi-speaking film makers have influenced Bollywood songs. As a modern day Punjabi myself, I can say first hand that we are known to be loud, carefree people who show off and party. Our music brings a sense of freedom and is very upbeat with a fast rhythm that can make anyone want to get up and dance. Its initial task is to put you in a happy and joyful mood. So tell me, have you listened to your dose of Punjabi music today?