Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Georgia State University
The Laboratories of:
Dr. George E. Pierce
Dr. Sidney A. Crow Jr.
The Applied and Environmental Microbiology (AEM) group strives to find unique solutions to agricultural and health challenges. We focus predominantly on the application of induced Rhodococcus rhodochrous DAP 96253 – a naturally occurring, safe, soil-based organism with a robust inducible enzyme profile. This organism has patented applications of delayed fruit ripening, inhibition of mold growth, and the production of cancer therapeutic enzymes. Our goal is to apply our understanding of these processes, which we have developed, to create commercially relevant products that meet industrial global concerns. Through this focus, our group is also invested in the training of the next generation of applied microbiologists who will be the future leaders in biotech.
Current Research Projects:
- Production of asparaginase via the use of induced Rhodococcus rhodochrous DAP 96253.
- Non-contact delayed fruit ripening of climateric fruit in post-harvest applications via the use of induced Rhodococcus rhodochrous DAP 96253.
- Non-contact inhibition of agricultural pathogens via the use of induced Rhodococcus rhodochrous DAP 96253.
- Production of bio-acrylamide from acrylonitrile via the use of induced Rhodococcus rhodochrous DAP 96253.