Transitioning to the Atlanta campus

Perimeter College students may transition to Georgia State’s downtown Atlanta campus for a variety of reasons including the desire to continue their education by earning a bachelor’s degree. Students who transition may also see an increased return on their educational investment, experience heightened academic and experiential access–with opportunities to learn, research, and network, enjoy enhanced student life and the benefits of downtown’s centrality, and set the proper foundation to continue to graduate-level study.

This link has important information about the schedule for each concentration.


BA in Studio

  • All students who transition to the Atlanta campus will start with a BA in ART with a Studio or Art History concentration.

  • If they are wanting to pursue a BFA, they will have to go through the application and portfolio review processes AND be accepted into a program before their major can be changed.

  • BFA acceptance major changes will be processed within the Art & Design department.

  • In some concentrations, Students can stack their classes to foreseeably finish their entire program in four years, two at Perimeter college, and two at the Atlanta campus. This does not hold true for Graphic Design and Interior Design, who have strict schedules.

BFA in Studio, Concentration in Graphic Design

  • If students stay at PC for their 1st-4th semesters, they will take a minimum of five years to finish this concentration.

  • To complete their program in 4 years, students need to finish their foundations by the end of 2ndsemester and transition to the Atlanta campus to start classes Fall semester.  They must take the GRD 3000, 3150 and 3200 during their 3rd& 4th semesters.

  • Students can take GRD 3000 during the summer (this course fills up quickly!) or fall semesters (Not available in Spring) with just ART 1010 and ART 1020 as prerequisites.

  • They will need to finish ART 1030, 1050, one AH survey in Area F (AH 1700, 1750, or 1850) and AH 2000, along with GRD 3150 and GRD 3200 to then apply for the major at the end of the spring semester.

  • Applications and portfolios will be completed, processed, and reviewed at the end of Spring. If accepted into the program, students will begin the program the following Fall.

  • Portfolio will consist of works from GRD 3000 (offered Summer and Fall only, pre-req of ART 1010 and ART 1020), GRD 3150 (offered Fall and Spring only), GRD 3200 (offered Spring only, pre-req of GRD 3000 and GRD 3150 (can be taken concurrently).

  • There are prescribed classes for Fall-5thsemester, spring-6thsemester, 7th and 8th. These must be taken in order. Students who are finished with their core will need to consider how many courses they are required to take to maintain their financial aid during their last semesters.

BFA in Studio, Concentration in Interior Design

  • ID coursework should begin the fall semester of the sophomore year to be able to complete the program in four years. Area F studios and AH surveys are the prerequisites and should be completed by the summer before taking the Fall ID courses.

  • Applications and portfolios will be completed, processed, and reviewed at the end of Fall for Spring acceptance.

BFA in Studio, Concentration in Art Education

  • To take AE4200, a student needs two 1000-level art history courses. (AH 2000 Survey of Art Since 1900 is a 2000 level).

  • Applications and portfolios will be reviewed at the end of AE 4200 (an introductory AE course, Art for Preschool through Fifth Grade). AE4200 is often only offered Fall semester. If accepted into a program, students will begin the program the following semester.

  • Art Education Majors spend the final Spring semester of their program student-teaching with a master teacher in the Atlanta metropolitan area. This can happen the third semester after entering the program if the student maintains a full load and uses the summer semester.

All other BFA concentrations can be accomplished in four years with careful planning.

  • Applications and portfolios will be completed, processed, and reviewed the last Friday before registration begins in both Fall semester (end of October) and, in Spring semester, the Friday before spring break. If accepted into a program, students will begin said program the following semester. Portfolio review will consist of artwork from foundation classes in addition to classes in that major. Below are the classes one should take for before submitting a portfolio for their desired concentration.

    • Recommended classes for a concentration in Drawing, Painting, and Printmaking are 2-3 of these: DPP 2100, DPP 3000, DPP 3050, DPP 3200 and DPP 3300.

    • Recommended classes for a concentration in Photography are PHOT 3000 and PHOT 3010.

    • Recommended classes for a concentration in 3-D Studies are 3DS 3000, 3DS 3050, and 3DS 3100.

    • Recommended classes for a concentration in Textiles are TEXT 3000, TEXT 3100, and TEXT 3200.

Art and Design Departmental Area Coordinators

area coordinators WSAD GSU


Your future BA or BFA from the Atlanta campus

It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the Ernest G. Welch School of Art & Design’s website

You can find more information about the different concentrations of the BFA here, including program descriptions, opportunities in the field, and images of student work.

Keep your eye on the College’s gallery page for upcoming events.