Statistics – Insights and Review for the First-Time Teacher
Barry Monk
In this presentation, Barry Monk “experienced instructor and author“ will talk about approaches and strategies that he’s found to be successful when teaching Elementary Statistics. Key takeaways and a review of topics that students find challenging will be included. This session is intended for the first-time teacher or anyone wishing to brush up on their Statistics teaching skills.
well I did think about that last question too hard! Still pondering all of those correct ? answers..
Thanks for the video, I enjoyed your explanations of concepts.
Thanks, Cindy. That question always throws me for a loop too! I appreciate the kind words.
This was the clearest explanation of the Central Limit Theorem for Proportions I have ever seen. We always see the explanation for the mean, but never for proportions.
Thanks Barry!
Oh, wow – I appreciate the kind words, Keisha!
Great lessons, Barry! I do not teach Stats but found your explanations very easy to follow!