Spring 2014 Fundraising Meeting (Part 1)

As mentioned in our last posting, we are opening up a Google Doc for all those who would like to contribute ideas to the Spring 2014 Fundraising meeting scheduled for this Friday (March 14) at 1:00 p.m. but are unable to attend. You may also post ideas if you are planning on coming to the meeting and would just like to have them written in the document before hand.

To access this document, please follow the link for the Spring 2014 Fundraising Ideas & Planning sheet. This link should bring you to a page that will prompt one of the New Voices staff to add you as a collaborator. You may also e-mail us to request access to this document, and we will be happy to add you as well. Once in the document, please fill out a row by providing your name, a brief explanation of your idea, a proposed date for the event, and any additional notes for consideration. Additionally, feel free to mark the last box in an idea’s row for which you would like to cast a vote. We look forward to discussing all of this input at Friday’s meeting.

Please be sure to check back here for more updates after the meeting, and don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list for more updates.

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Several Quick Reminders

  • Please fill out our meeting survey  if you haven’t already. We want to set up meeting times for the rest of the semester.
  • If you are interested in a co-chair position, please send your letter of intent to the New Voices: newvoices11@gmail.com
  • If you are interested in a committee chair position, either send us an email expressing interest or come to our next meeting
  • Mark your calendars for our next meeting: March 7, 2014 at 12:30 pm in the Graduate Student Lounge on the 9th Floor of Langdale Hall


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First Official New Voices Meeting of Fall 2013

To the New Voices blog followers –

Today we had our first official New Voices meeting. We were lucky enough to snag the conference room, which was really cool and nicely air conditioned.

We got some new people interested in being involved and on the committee. But if you couldn’t make it (we only had 3 new people, but we had 30 people interested o the list), please feel free to contact us and let us know of your interest in being involved. We need to replace most of our committee next year and we are excited to show any new people the ropes.

Below are the minutes from the meeting, so you can follow along. Enjoy!

New Voices Notes 11 September 2013

Next meeting we will need to talk again about Bags and things and start reading submissions.

The next meeting will happen on…

Tuesday October 1st @11:15AM – Location TBA

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Orientation Day Meeting Notes

So we don’t usually put our meeting minutes up here on the blog. Mostly that has to do with the fact that we have no secretary. New Grad students – wanna volunteer??

It is important to note however, that we are going to have a back to school bake sale at the end of September. We need people to get involved.

Also – our first official meeting of the semester, where YOU are invited to get involved as much or as little as you would like, is coming up.

September 11th – 10AM – in the Grad Lounge – 9th floor of Langdale Hall

Please contact us at newvoices11@gmail.com if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments.

Fund Raising Meeting Notes_2

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New Year – New Voices

Hey all you New Voices people!

We will be holding our first meeting to talk about New Voices 2014 this coming Thursday February 21st at 2:20PM in the Kell Hall basement coffee shop.

Please feel free to come and give us some new ideas, new direction, new themes! We want to see you and get you involved!

See you there!

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Everybody Loves Cake

Hey New Voices blog readers!
Our last meeting was a success – we got two new faces wanting to help out. Thanks Zack and Laurie!

A couple of things you might need/want to know:

We are going to have a cake raffle on what is now called Patriot Day – you may all know it as 9/11. It will be held all day on the 9th floor of GCB and we  will be raffling off a red/white/blue patriotic cake. So come buy and see us, purchase a ticket, and support New Voices.

Also, we will be holding the annual bake sale the week before Halloween. It will follow our monsters theme. We will be having it 4 days in a row October 22nd – 25th in the courtyard in front of the library. If you want to bake for us… WE NEED YOU!!

If you want to help, or bake, or anything – please come to our next meeting on Wednesday September 19th @ 4PM in Troy Moore Library.


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