Orientation Day Meeting Notes

So we don’t usually put our meeting minutes up here on the blog. Mostly that has to do with the fact that we have no secretary. New Grad students – wanna volunteer??

It is important to note however, that we are going to have a back to school bake sale at the end of September. We need people to get involved.

Also – our first official meeting of the semester, where YOU are invited to get involved as much or as little as you would like, is coming up.

September 11th – 10AM – in the Grad Lounge – 9th floor of Langdale Hall

Please contact us at newvoices11@gmail.com if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments.

Fund Raising Meeting Notes_2

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Summer Meetings

Hello Conference-plannning Readers!

As you can imagine, this summer has been very busy for many of us, here at Georgia State University.
Many of us were taking summer courses, which were kind of killer. For example, I now know more than I could ever have imagined I would ever know about Kenneth Burke and his books. I think my head grew just to fit it all in!

Also, this summer, the New Voices committee met two times to plan how to get the word out, and how to begin the process of attracting participants at the start of the Fall semester. Many of you came to the June meeting. Thank you for your support and participation.

Below I am including the minutes for both meetings. Please feel free to peruse the contents and provide any feedback on other schools you feel we need to contact. Also – New Voices invites all of you to contact your former schools to invite them to participate in our conference presentations.

We are excited to begin to build this conference with out new and incoming graduate students. Keep checking your mailboxes for new fliers. And please… please… if you are a GTA and you know any non-GTA grad students, please keep them in the loop, if you can. It is sometimes harder to reach non-GTAs because they do not have offices or mailboxes at which we can stalk them and flood them with information.

Minutes–June 19 NV Meeting

Minutes–27 July 2012-NV Meeting

As always, please let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas!

Valerie Robin


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Call For Papers Round 1 – Fight!

This is the first CFP for next year’s conference, which will come up faster than any of us can probably imagine.

While I know that is difficult to see, and it’s not the whole thing, I am also attaching the CFP in both PDF and Word formats for your viewing pleasure:

New Voices Conference CFP

New Voices Conference CFP

So there you have it – if you have any questions, please direct them to the contact address on the CFP. You will also, very soon, find a copy of this very same document on the UPenn CFP cite, as well as (for all GSU GTA’s) in your mailbox.

I hope you all feel the draw to participate, even if it’s just showing up to show your support.

Spread the word – we’ll see you either at the next meeting, or in January!






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Java Monkey & Fountainhead

Yesterday Shane, Deborah, Anne and Valerie met at Java Monkey. A couple of you expressed your regrets that you couldn’t attend the meeting. We missed you a lot. But the upside is that there was more room on the table for my salad. So that’s good.

We covered a lot of really exciting stuff. I’ll include the minutes here.

Minutes–May 16 NV Meeting

Let me give you a little background, if you will – and I’ll post a photo or two of what we’ve discussed.

So about a week or so ago, I got an email from Matt saying that we need to spend the remainder of our fiscal budget before the next meeting (that was the one that occurred yesterday). So of course, I was like, “I’m on it.” Fortunately for me, Deborah was the biggest asset in the whole of the New Voices universe, and she jumped right on obtaining bags and all that from the King of Screen, who we used last year. She also got full permission for us to use the little green monster from the oatmeal. You’ll see him when we publish the final CFP.

So a bunch of emails went around to those of you who wished to participate in selecting the bag design and logo. The final count was 84 emails, in case anyone was curious. But we decided.

Here is a mock-up of what the bags will look like:

I think it’s going to be really cute.

I also went ahead and ordered a bunch of pens with our new logo on it. The logo ended up looking like this:

It’s super simple, and will hopefully last. Though new years of New Voices committees are more than welcome to overhaul it. But the pens will pretty much match the bags. But they will be black and white with green writing.

So we took care of the fiscal budget that way. Today I turn in the paperwork to Marta who was AMAZING and gave us an extra day to get it all done.

Further, Shane filled out the paperwork for the rooms in the Union.  — the day I got the news we had to spend this money FAST, I was fortunately meeting with both Shane and Deborah to check out Student Union rooms. Deborah (again being amazing) said that the rooms on the 4th floor of the University Union are really professional looking and would be excellent for our conference. And she was right! AND… these rooms are available for the dates on which we would like to hold the conference! It’s like a dream come true.

So the next thing that is happening is that Shane and I will be solidifying the CFP, running it by Schmidt for approval, and getting a signature on the room request form so we can get the rooms for sure.


We also met with the rep from Fountainhead Press, Mark Price – really nice guy. He is excited to be involved with the conference. He also offered to demo the book that is coming out, which you can read about on this PDF – http://www.fountainheadpress.com/vseries/images/PDFs/monsters_TOC.pdf

Or if you want, you can even read the Introduction – http://www.fountainheadpress.com/vseries/images/PDFs/monsters_Intro.pdf

Further, Mark wants to make our promo posters for us, fliers, and things like that. It’s going to be very cool and very professional looking. Pretty much, if I got any more excited about working with Fountainhead, I might explode into cheesey rays of sunshine. Sunshine all over the walls and stuff.

So that’s it for now.

VERY soon, like in less than a week, probably, we’ll have the first round of CFP’s up and ready for your viewing and preparation.

Please let us know if you have any questions about the minutes, or anything else. Or if you just want to get involved.




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Planning Stages

Hey all!

Anne Melfi just sent me the minutes of the last meeting, which she called ‘planning meeting’ and I think is absolutely what it was.

Our primary goal of the meeting was to decide how to spend the remaining budget before the end of the fiscal year, which is at the end of May. We definitely want this to go toward the next conference, so we discussed a few ideas:

– making canvas bags like the ones we had last year, but with next year’s info and art

– getting a bunch of pens that say New Voices so you all have one and can remember that this conference happens every year

– paying for student center rooms (or whatever it is they charge) so we can get more than one panel going at a time

These are all excellent ideas, and we threw around several others, all great ideas.

Here is the bag for last year’s conference:

Mary Grace did a really good job snagging us a great deal. This year, we are going to do something similar, with new art, and of course, the new dates.

A friend of mine is sending us a couple of choices, and Deborah is also asking a friend. If any of you know people (or are people) that would be willing to contribute their vision of the theme “Monsters, Villains & Aberrations,” please send them my way.

We need all art contributions before the 16th of May (that’s a Wednesday).

Speaking of the 16th – that is the date of our next meeting:

May 16th 2012 11:30AM@ Java Monkey in Decatur

We will be making final decisions on the CFP, the art for the bags and other posters, the new new voices logo that Anne Melfi is creating for us, and the location for the actual conference.

Sometime early next week, a few of us will be headed down to the Student Center to see if we can get a few rooms in order to run multiple conference presentations at once. Our hope, again, is to expand the conference a little each year – and hopefully one day get national recognition. Fingers Crossed! We’ll need plenty of faculty support to pull this off, so make sure to mention New Voices often in your classes this summer and next Fall.

So to all who are interested – please join us at our next meeting. We’ll be having lunch together, or just coffee, if you’re not into sandwiches and salads. Feel free to email us @ newvoices11@gmail.com if you need directions or if you have questions.

Have a great summer! Good luck to those who have Maymester courses. And may all your grades be A+!



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