New Voices 2013 – Success!

You might have been there – you definitely heard about it if you found this blog – NEW VOICES 2013 WAS A HUGE SUCCESS!!!

Here are some photos to prove it:

Ben holds down the fort in the New Voices reception room.

Ben holds down the fort in the New Voices reception room.

Featured presenters looking smart.

Featured presenters looking smart.

Zaab Para presents

Zaab Para presents

Daren Fowler says smart stuff.

Daren Fowler says smart stuff.

Thomas Breideband presents on the Monsters V-Series Reader

Thomas Breideband presents on the Monsters V-Series Reader

L. Andrew Cooper gives the Keynote, with Brandy Ball Blake.

L. Andrew Cooper gives the Keynote, with Brandy Ball Blake.

The Keynote turnout was AMAZING

The Keynote turnout was AMAZING

If you look in the foreground you can see Brandy Ball Blake!

If you look in the foreground you can see Brandy Ball Blake!

Debbie D'Cruze, Valerie Robin, and Shane McGowan pose for the camera.

Debbie D’Cruze, Valerie Robin, and Shane McGowan pose for the camera.

Shane McGowan's death metal monster pose.

Shane McGowan’s death metal monster pose.

Alex Gallo-Brown gives a great reading at the Java Monkey after the conference.

Alex Gallo-Brown gives a great reading at the Java Monkey after the conference.

Jessica Temple MC's for the reading. Thanks Jessica!

Jessica Temple MC’s for the reading. Thanks Jessica!

Kathy Kincer brings the poetry

Kathy Kincer brings the poetry

L. Andrew Cooper reads from his own book "Burning Middle Ground"

L. Andrew Cooper reads from his own book “Burning Middle Ground”

Jessica and Jocelyn pose at the after after party

Jessica and Jocelyn pose at the after after party

We had a really great turnout for the pub crawl.

We had a really great turnout for the pub crawl.

Thanks everyone for helping, presenting, attending, and being super!

We’re starting the next year’s conference planning next month – so keep your eye out for new posts and ways to contribute.
















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Conference Day 1 + Program

In all the chaos of pulling off the conference, we seem to have neglected the blog posts, and for that we apologize.

Today was the conference kick-off and it went really well. Thanks to Dr. Nathan Atkinson, Dr. Ashley Holmes, and Dr. Mark Noble for presenting their work to us this afternoon. It was thought provoking, interesting, and pretty fun too. And thank you to every one who attended. Thankfully we didn’t run out of coffee.

Conference Kick-off

University Center – Room 460/65

GSU Faculty Research Roundtable


Dr. Nate Atkinson, Department of Communication

“Action Comics” 101: How to Film an Atomic Bomb”

Dr. Ashley Holmes, Department of English

“Monsters, Villains, and Aberrations” Beyond the Classroom: The Risks and Rewards of Going Public with Pedagogy  

Dr. Mark Noble, Department of English

“How to Read a Doppelganger: or, Getting to Know Your Gothic Self”

Panels begin tomorrow morning at 9AM and we would love to see you all there. In order to plan which you would like to attend, please refer to our program below. We will have plenty to hand out when you go to room 460 to register. In the meantime, don’t let the weather get you down, and remember to bring gloves.

New Voices Panel Schedule

If you have any last minute questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at

We hope to see you there!

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Give Yourself the Perfect Hanukkah Gift – Send Us a Proposal for New Voices 2013 by December 10th!

New Voices Conference CFP – Revised Deadline

Back when we were first deciding when to set the deadline for submitting an abstract for New Voices 2013, we  talked about December 11th as the date.  Then we decided that that date would be too late, and so we settled on having it a week earlier, just before finals.  What didn’t occur to us is that we graduate students don’t take finals; we’re all writing seminar papers in the week before finals.  So between completing papers for classes you’re taking and/or helping droves of freaked-out freshmen complete their papers for classes you’re teaching, you probably don’t have a whole lot of time to knock out that abstract that you’ve been meaning to send for New Voices 2013.  For that reason, we’re extending the deadline for submitting a proposal to December 10th, 2012.

In other words, the CFP deadline is now just in time for the third night of Hanukkah.  So give the gift that keeps on giving:  send us your proposal for a presentation and/or a panel for New Voices 2013!  Whether you’re a Jew, a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Rastafarian, or (like me) some species of secular humanist, saving a place for yourself at New Voices 2013 will continue to pay off for weeks, months, and even years to come.  New Voices is the perfect place for you to begin your scholarly career or to continue developing a career already in the making.  Plus, New Voices is an excellent opportunity to build professional and personal relationships that will last a lifetime.  Long after the last candle has been lit, the last present has been opened, the last chestnut has been roasted, and the holiday fruitcake has been stuffed into the back of the cupboard for the tenth year in a row, you’ll be enjoying the incredible benefits of having participated in New Voices 2013.

Good luck with writing your papers, and if you’re teaching, try not to go too crazy as you dig yourself out from under that avalanche of students’ final papers.  Happy holidays!

Shane McGowan

Co-Chair, New Voices 2013

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Bake Sale – NO NUTS!

Next week is the New Voices annual bake sale – get ready… it’s candy season.

In the spirit of this supernatural holiday… I already know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “How can I be involved?”

Check out this flier:

You may have seen the flier up in the copy room or in the Writing Studio. You would have to write down the URL to sign up for baking or table manning (or womanning). If writing down URLs to lose later is not your bag, you can just click this link:

And zowey! You’re helping!

So… let’s say baking is not your thing, and you don’t really have time to man a table. Come by the table and buy a treat! Send your students by! Tell your classes!

We appreciate any support you can give. Please come out and share the sugar-love.

See you there!

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Fundraising, Treats and Other News

Dear New Voices followers:

This has been an interesting month in New Voices development.

First, we had a very successful cake raffle. The winner was Dr. Smolinski, who shared with the department. I hope you got some!

Laura Anderson (our cake maker) also made cake pops and other treats. They were amazing, and we managed to raise almost $85! Thanks to all who came and snacked.

In other news – the mugs came in and are being delivered to faculty members in the department. I lost the charger to my camera, so I haven’t been able to snap a photo. Soon though. Soon.

And – we have begun a book drive. Sigma Tau Delta has been kind enough to put their Better World Book collection on hold so we can start collecting a few sell-able books for fundraising. Please come by the bins on the 9th floor of GCB and deposit your old trashy novels and textbooks you never managed to sell back!

You may have found a flier in your box – and if you don’t have a box, Old Books Wanted, in the flier.


Last, but certainly not least, Anne Melfi made the minutes, and here they are, in case you need to catch up on all the little details:

Minutes–19 September 2012



We really need all hands on deck for the bake sale fundraiser coming up in late October. So if you want to help – please come to the next meeting. I will post it soon.

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Everybody Loves Cake

Hey New Voices blog readers!
Our last meeting was a success – we got two new faces wanting to help out. Thanks Zack and Laurie!

A couple of things you might need/want to know:

We are going to have a cake raffle on what is now called Patriot Day – you may all know it as 9/11. It will be held all day on the 9th floor of GCB and we  will be raffling off a red/white/blue patriotic cake. So come buy and see us, purchase a ticket, and support New Voices.

Also, we will be holding the annual bake sale the week before Halloween. It will follow our monsters theme. We will be having it 4 days in a row October 22nd – 25th in the courtyard in front of the library. If you want to bake for us… WE NEED YOU!!

If you want to help, or bake, or anything – please come to our next meeting on Wednesday September 19th @ 4PM in Troy Moore Library.


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First Meeting of the School Year!

Our next New Voices meeting is coming up FAST!
If you are interested in getting involved – join us this coming Friday – AUG 24 – 1PM @ Sensational Subs downtown.

Here it is! Now you Can’t get lost!

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Summer Meetings

Hello Conference-plannning Readers!

As you can imagine, this summer has been very busy for many of us, here at Georgia State University.
Many of us were taking summer courses, which were kind of killer. For example, I now know more than I could ever have imagined I would ever know about Kenneth Burke and his books. I think my head grew just to fit it all in!

Also, this summer, the New Voices committee met two times to plan how to get the word out, and how to begin the process of attracting participants at the start of the Fall semester. Many of you came to the June meeting. Thank you for your support and participation.

Below I am including the minutes for both meetings. Please feel free to peruse the contents and provide any feedback on other schools you feel we need to contact. Also – New Voices invites all of you to contact your former schools to invite them to participate in our conference presentations.

We are excited to begin to build this conference with out new and incoming graduate students. Keep checking your mailboxes for new fliers. And please… please… if you are a GTA and you know any non-GTA grad students, please keep them in the loop, if you can. It is sometimes harder to reach non-GTAs because they do not have offices or mailboxes at which we can stalk them and flood them with information.

Minutes–June 19 NV Meeting

Minutes–27 July 2012-NV Meeting

As always, please let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas!

Valerie Robin

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Next Meeting (Last Summer Meeting)

To all parties interested –
New Voices is having their next planning meeting Friday, July 27, 1:00 p.m., the Commons Room, 9th Floor GCB. If you have never been to the Commons Room, it is at the end of the same hall the department office is on, toward the stairs.

At the next meeting we will be putting together the first advertisement flier, discussing more ‘get the word out’ ideas, and talking about what will happen at the start of the semester.

If you are interested in helping, or just stopping by to meet some people you may not already know, please come by and do so.

See you there!


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Call For Papers Round 1 – Fight!

This is the first CFP for next year’s conference, which will come up faster than any of us can probably imagine.

While I know that is difficult to see, and it’s not the whole thing, I am also attaching the CFP in both PDF and Word formats for your viewing pleasure:

New Voices Conference CFP

New Voices Conference CFP

So there you have it – if you have any questions, please direct them to the contact address on the CFP. You will also, very soon, find a copy of this very same document on the UPenn CFP cite, as well as (for all GSU GTA’s) in your mailbox.

I hope you all feel the draw to participate, even if it’s just showing up to show your support.

Spread the word – we’ll see you either at the next meeting, or in January!






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