About Me

Hello and thanks for dropping by my blog!


Martha by Love statue in NYCI am a technology innovator, integrator, and a proven educational technology leader.  I have worked in the field of education for almost 25 years, and 15 of those years have been focused on how technology integration can be utilized to increase learning outcomes in the classroom.  I have an Education Specialist degree in Instructional Technology, a Masters degree in Education, and a Bachelors degree in Computer Science.  My formal training combined with my wealth of experience has allowed me to work with university and K-12 instructors in their classroom to combine strong pedagogy with relevant instructional design that integrates technology in a way that all students experience  hands on, interactive, and authentic learning experiences. 

As the Educational Technology Manager with the Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University, my passion is assisting instructors in implementing 21st century instructional design that makes their course exciting and interactive, while achieving higher learning outcomes.  I am a proponent of destroying the “one size fits all” approach to instruction and replacing it with variety in student choice and microlearning.  In order to succeed, students need variety, voice, choice, and a sense of ownership over their own learning.  One of the goals at GSU Robinson College of Business is to expand resources that accelerate impactful teaching outcomes in the digital age. I am an advocate for ensuring that our instructors embrace, prepare, and utilize technology resources that achieve this goal.

Outside of educational technology, my hobbies are running, reading, and trying new food dishes.

Bowl of food


girl running

I have been a blogger in the past and then life happened (COVID) and I lost track, so consider this FairleyTechBytes2.0. This blog highlights my educational technology passion through hints, tips, and micro-learning modules. 

Thanks for joining me on this journey!


Martha Fairley, Ed.S.