What/Why I Organized My Website

I added many categories today to my website, which are Class Notes, Class Prep, Honors Cluster, Major Projects with two subcategories of Annotated Bibliography and Built Environment Description, and Study/Conference Group. Then I organized all of my previous posts into all of these categories, according to what they were. I also added a couple posts that needed to be added into my already existing category of sos.

I put everything into their certain categories based on what they are. For example, the built environment description and all of the artifacts for the description were all put into the Major Projects parent category. Then they went into the Built Environment Description sub-category, then the artifacts went into the Artifacts sub-sub-category. I did all of this for metadata, to organize my blog by certain terms that are universal to our class. It is important because it makes it easier to look through my blog, and find information.

CNN Center Built Environment Description

The CNN Center was originally built in 1976 and was called the Omni Center. It is located in downtown Atlanta next to Centennial Olympic Park, the Georgia Dome, and it connected to Phillips Arena as well as the Omni Hotel. The company CNN moved into the Omni center in 1987 after many failed projects, thus renaming it the CNN Center. The center consists of a large open auditorium about 13 stories in height, that is illuminated by natural light and a plethora of tv’s ranging in size displaying CNN news. It contains many fast food restaurants ranging from Asian and Spanish cuisine through American to Mediterranean dishes. They are all positioned around the auditorium, looking towards the common areas where the masses of people eat and socialize. The vast amounts of food bring about an enticing smell of a delicious meal. No matter what time of day, the center will be bustling with all different types of people. There always are business men and women grabbing a bite to eat accompanied by tourist coming to take a tour of the massive complex. Also, depending on what day, a Hawks basketball game or Falcons football game always attracts numerous sports fans that enjoy everything the center has to offer. Besides the restaurants, there are many objects and artifacts laid out around the edge of the open auditorium, like the Humvee near the entrance of the auditorium. It is this huge, tan, rusty clunk of metal that could drive through a wall, literally. There are also many flags hanging all around the auditorium, bursting with every color imaginable. These artifacts help tell a story of how global CNN is and their impact all across the world. When I was in there, I felt like a part of something bigger, almost like a community. Everyone that was in there can trace their origins back to one of the flags hanging up above, but we all belong to a globalized world. It brought out a sense of security and belonging. Although it has about one million things happening at once, its a place that all of those things, people, and ideas come together.

Omni Hotel


This is the Omni Hotel that is attached to the CNN Center. It has many rooms that look out into the auditorium of the CNN Center. Aesthetically speaking, it isn’t very appealing. The only cool thing is it lights up in the evenings. It hosts many conferences throughout the year. There are 12 floors visible from the CNN Center auditorium, but there are many more in the actual hotel building that is adjacent to the CNN Center.

Organizing My Site

I added many categories today to my website, which are Class Notes, Class Prep, Honors Cluster, Major Projects with two subcategories of Annotated Bibliography and Built Environment Description, and Study/Conference Group. Then I organized all of my previous posts into all of these categories, according to what they were. I also added a couple posts that needed to be added into my already existing category of sos.

CNN Humvee


This is a Humvee that CNN reporters Walter Rodgers and Martin Savidge used to report the Iraq War back in 2003. It is pretty large for a car, its tan, looks very durable and gas-guzzling. It has all of the equipment baggage on top of the roof that would’ve been there when it was actually in use. They have since added tv’s that always play CNN news.

Annotated Bibliography Conference Group


Today, Jen, Max, Drew, and myself spent about an hour and a half in Centennial Hall in between classes discussing our annotated bibliographies. First, we recaped what they were, summarizing what we talked about in class Tuesday to gain a better over-all understanding of what they are. Then, Drew showed us a couple of his because he is already done with most of them.  After seeing some examples, the rest of us did one of our own. We then read each others and made any suggestions or corrections we saw fit to help improve each other’s work. Then we started to talk about the built environment descriptions and what we were gonna be doing for that project. Today really helped me because this is my first time doing an annotated bibliography,and I wasn’t too sure what the built environment description was as a whole, so today shed some light on these tow things.