ENGL 3120 Syllabus Quiz


What are the major projects? In a bulleted list, provide links to the project descriptions for each of them.

Blog (individual, 5 posts) | 50-200 points each | 250-1000 points

Code Academy “Make A Website” Tutorial (individual) | 250 points

Lynda.com “WordPress Essential Training” Tutorial (individual)| 250 points

Personal Website (individual)| 100-400 points

Personal Website Design Rationale and Reflection (individual)| 100-400 points

Design Competition (collaborative) | 250-500 points + 100 point bonus per member for winning team

Website Design/Build (collaborative, 2 stages) | Compete draft=500-1500 points, Revision=250-750 | 750-2250 points

All project descriptions can be found here!

How will your final grade be calculated?

Grades are calculated by adding up all the points each student has accumulated over the semester for each class assignment and major project.

What happens if you don’t complete one of the major projects?

Students will automatically receive a “D” or lower if they fail to turn in a major project.

What is Gradian and how do you use it? Embed the Gradian login page below your answer (hint: Google “embed using iframe” to find out how).

Gradian is the site we will be using to submit all work during the course. You will create an account, add the course, and submit links to all completed assignments. Assignments should be located on student’s individual websites.

Embed the course calendar and weekly overview below this question.


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://calendar.google.com/calendar/render?cid=mir17fup8g3ttcac9dhtm686ac%40group.calendar.google.com#main_7" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Week 1 (August 22 & 24)

A note about the course readings: I’ve shared via email a link to the Google Drive readings folder where these can be found. If you can’t find the readings, email me at least 24 hours in advance of class, and I can re-send you the link to the readings folder on Drive. Please, do not show up to class not having read, to telling me you couldn’t find the readings.


  1. Class prep, 20 points: Configure personal domain and WordPress site
  2. Read course syllabus
  3. Read for Thursday Arola, Sheppard, and Ball, “What Are Multimodal Projects?” in Writer/Designer. Readings are in the shared folder on Google Drive.
  4. Review create.gsu.edu support documentation (http://support.gsucreate.org/):
  1. “Signing up”
  2. “WordPress”

Extra points suggestions:

  1. Syllabus quiz (Ctrl/Right click to open link in a new window or tab) and review of web resources (+50)
  2. Complete an “About Me” page on your website (+20)


What are we doing in class?

*The Thing From the Future

*Getting Started With create.gsu.edu

*Setup of website

Looking ahead:

Read for next week


Where on the course website can you find an overview of the grading policy and major project deadlines?

The syllabus tab or projects tab on the class website

What is the best way to see an overview of what’s due each week?

The weekly overview can be seen under the calendar tab on the class website.

What is the attendance policy?

Come to class. You will lose 50 points for unexcused absences. Arriving to class late may result in a deduction of 25-50 points.

What is the one way that you can lose points?

Being late to class

What are my office hours, and how do you make an appointment to see me outside of  class? What are Ms. Peters’s office hours, and how do you make an appointment to see her outside of class?

T/Th 9-10:30 am; In-person, Google Hangouts or Skype

How do you earn participation credit? Provide a link to the instructions/guidelines for participation.

You can earn general participation points by keeping up with class preparation. Also, you can submit extra credit to earn additional participation points.

How many points can you earn by participating in or organizing a study group session?

20 points

How can you be assured of earning an “A” in this course?

By earning at least 5,230 points and completing all major projects and class prep

What are the minimum requirements for earning a passing grade of “C”?

By earning at least 2,350 points and completing all major projects and class prep

What do you do if you’re not sure how to document your participation in order to earn points?

Review the syllabus and class site first. If that does not help, contact Dr. Wharton.

Where do you find the prompts for the Blog project? What is the title of the Blog Post 1 prompt? Which group are you in for the Blog project?


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