Tag Archives: #Moving

Letter to John Lewis

Dear John Lewis, 

MARCH Book 3 has been chosen as my freshman read for English 1101. I’ve only read the first few pages and I can already tell its going to be a moving and eye opening book. The beginning discusses the church bombing with the little girls and I believe that was such an important part to add because it really highlights how things were during that time period. It made me feel angered that individuals would do that to little girls because they are so innocent and it just shows how far people will go. I couldn’t help but think of how horrid things were during that time. I analyzed the story and noticed how it was your intent to add the details about the scouts and how it was supposed to make me feel. I noticed how them being scouts really changed perspective because they are supposed to be good boys but they were shooting people. I believe in today’s day and age, these issues can still be combated with the same tactics you guys used. Such as protest and peaceful gatherings. 

Yours Truly, 

Kia Holmes