Monthly Archives: September 2019

Letter to John Lewis

Dear John Lewis, 

MARCH Book 3 has been chosen as my freshman read for English 1101. I’ve only read the first few pages and I can already tell its going to be a moving and eye opening book. The beginning discusses the church bombing with the little girls and I believe that was such an important part to add because it really highlights how things were during that time period. It made me feel angered that individuals would do that to little girls because they are so innocent and it just shows how far people will go. I couldn’t help but think of how horrid things were during that time. I analyzed the story and noticed how it was your intent to add the details about the scouts and how it was supposed to make me feel. I noticed how them being scouts really changed perspective because they are supposed to be good boys but they were shooting people. I believe in today’s day and age, these issues can still be combated with the same tactics you guys used. Such as protest and peaceful gatherings. 

Yours Truly, 

Kia Holmes

A Sequence of Dork Diaries

The hallways were filled with posters and music. Teachers running down the hallway getting everyone ready for the best event to all 2nd graders.It was time for the book fair. As you entered the library, you could smell the fresh printed pages of books and the cookies given to every student who purchased one. The loud sounds of the teachers screaming and children moving within the library trying to find the perfect book. I waited 2 months for this, the book fair was always around the same time every year.

Image of 8 yr old blogger
Kia Holmes, Riverside Intermediate

I collected and saved my allowance for 2 months straight so I could buy the perfect books. I ran through the aisles of the book fair, past all the teachers and cookies. I ran straight to the “series” section of the party. There it was. The book I wanted since last year. I finally found it. It was large and pink. It had hand drawn pictures and a spine thick as a biscuit. This was it. I picked up the cold book that came fresh out the box and hugged so tight and against my heart. The title read “ Dork Diaries”.