Social Media Profile

I think I can use this social media profile as an example for my own because this person has
experience in a lot of job fields that I am interested in and that involve skills in the english area. I also think it is efficient how his skills and proficiencies are displayed in a chart that shows what applications he is proficient in, languages he spoke and his interests and skills in pedagogy. I could also use the way he lists and summarizes his jobs and what specifically he does there and the goals for each. As well as telling what he is an expert in, Derek’s profile as tells what he is interested in and things he knows about like teaching English as second language.
Even though this profile draws information from many different jobs, they are all presented in a way that shows how they all relate to one. He describes each job and highlights its relevance to what he works in and language proficiency. You can also see what this person is interested in by companies that he follows and news that he keeps track of on his profile.

Curator, fiction, books, variety, choose, current, expertise, judgement, skill, creative, select, sales, analyze, write, data, conceptualize, execute, detail, retail,

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