Each year the leadership team recruits researchers willing to host an ION Scholar for mentored hands-on research. These researchers are asked to design an opportunity for the Scholar that includes them in as many aspects of the research process as possible in a ten-week program, e.g. exploration of background literature, experimental design, data collection and analysis, interpretation, presentation, and writing.
Once final offers have been made for the available summer positions (following application review and in-person interviews), ION Scholars are invited to a Saturday coffee when they can meet representatives from the labs that have volunteered to host an ION Scholar. The Scholars will hear from each research lab and then have the opportunity to ask representatives questions over lunch. Following the coffee, Scholars are asked for their top choices for their summer placement. In past years, Scholars have generally been matched with one of their top three choices.
Once the matching process is complete, each Scholar will begin the hiring process. Stipends will be paid through two payments, one midway through the program and one at completion of the program.