
Institute On Neuroscience (ION) – Summer Research Program for High School Students

Program Overview 

The Institute on Neuroscience (ION) is a paid ten-week summer research program hosted by the Center for Behavioral Neuroscience at Georgia State University. The program seeks high school students who excel in science and requires a competitive application process. Funding for Summer 2024 and Summer 2025 is provided by the Army Educational Outreach Program.

The program kicks off with a Meet-the-Mentor Coffee on a Saturday in Spring at which time applicants will meet the summer’s mentors. Then during a 1-week introductory curriculum starting late May, ION Scholars learn about neuroscience through hands-on activities, discussions, and readings directed by faculty members, post-doctoral researchers and undergraduate, and graduate students. Scholars may also visit research facilities to learn about various techniques, such as positron emission tomography (PET) scanning or electron microscopy. Weekly Workshops throughout the summer focus on scientific communication, science and society, scientific ethics and special topics in neuroscience.

After the introductory curriculum, ION Scholars conduct nine-week mentored laboratory research projects at Georgia State University.

The summer concludes with a Closing Research Symposium. ION Scholars will be required to present their summer research outcomes with an audience of family, friends, peers, program mentors, and others in the neuroscience community.

Program Logistics

The minimum age for student scholars is 16.

ION Scholars are expected to provide their own transportation between their homes and the program sites on a daily basis, although reimbursement for MARTA passes or parking expenses may be provided. The introductory curriculum and the weekly Workshops are scheduled to take place at Georgia State University, downtown Atlanta location as well as the mentored research.

Scholars are expected to provide their own meals. Housing will not be arranged for participants from outside Atlanta.


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