by Ryan D. Cagle | Feb 16, 2015 | etexts
There remains a missing link between linking data to publish-ready graphics. Because many data visualization programs are designed for business use, they do not have the best customization and design options. A few updates could really boost productivity for us...
by Valerie Robin | Nov 20, 2014 | Atlanta connections, etexts, SIF Projects, troubleshooting
Today I attended “The Tableau Experience.” I’ve been struggling with what to call it: a conference, a convention… It had only one speaker, and a Q&A – and a wet-bar. So… I’m settling with ‘experience’ as they...
by | Nov 12, 2014 | etexts, SIF Projects
The history of the codex includes myriad and often convoluted ways of producing and distributing the book to readers. Current day production and distribution of eBooks is no different in its dizzying variety. To narrow things down, here I will present a snippet of...
by | Nov 5, 2014 | digital pedagogy, etexts
I recently read a 2014 article about eTextbooks; the focus of the narrative study, published in College Teaching and written by Jenny Bossaller and Jenna Kammer, both at the University of Missouri, centered on faculty experience with eTextbooks, particularly those...
by Valerie Robin | Nov 3, 2014 | etexts, troubleshooting
Since the beginning of SIF, I’ve been on the Tobacco Ebook project. I have learned iBooks Author layout and design techniques, which has completely reoriented my thinking about how design works, and increased my attention to detail by… a lot. This week, I...
by jciliberto | Sep 25, 2014 | digital humanities, etexts
The ancient Greek work Poïesis (ποίησις) “is etymologically derived from the ancient term ποιέω, which means “to make” ” (Wikipedia), pointing to the fundamentally creative aspect of poetry. Words exist, like bricks. By a making, a poet creates...