by Nathan Sharratt | Oct 12, 2014 | data visualization, SIF Projects
Building connections between seemingly disparate areas is one of the joys of being an artist. It’s also one of the biggest challenges. Conceptually, artists are trained (or train themselves) to look at topics from multiple angles and to build relationships that...
by Nathan Sharratt | Oct 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
That the debate over the art/kitsch divide has been theorized since at leat the 1930s shows that the supposed divide is arbitrary and the argument then breaks down into relativism. Like industrial culture production, the argument itself is of itself. To exist, it must...
by Nathan Sharratt | Sep 22, 2014 | data visualization
A quick previsualization of what a deliberation map may look like as a viewer scrubs through the timeline.One of the projects I’m most excited about is the Deliberation Mapping project. The general idea is to create a new interface and toolset for professors and...
by Nathan Sharratt | Sep 8, 2014 | Uncategorized
Tea, Earl Gray, HotStar Trek made us think that the advent and widespread consumer adoption of 3D printers would soon have us calling out, “Tea, Earl Gray, hot” and like magic the item appears. Unfortunately, the current state of the technology is far from magic....